Final code sprint, final beta for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS
The road to TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS was longer than expected, but the end of the road is in sight. The <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3cms-v62 wiki>wiki page of the TYPO3 6.2 Projects gives a good overview of the code sprints and releases dedicated to the coming release, which is slated for March 25. The <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_codesprint_2014>tenth and <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_codesprint_2014>last code sprint in a series aimed at the coming Long Term Support release was held at the offices of <link http: www.beech.it>beech.it in Venlo. from March 10 – 12. The code sprint resulted in a <link news article typo3-cms-62-lts-beta7-final-beta-released>final beta, before the release candidate. <link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_6.2> There are already 17 release parties announced on the <link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_6.2>release party wiki and there is nothing stopping you from organising your own get-to-gether to celebrate the LTS. Gather some of your friends for a beer and a pizza and let everyone know that you WILL party like it is 2014.Events
CMS Garden at CeBIT
This past week was very much focused on the Open Source CMS-es in CMS Garden at CeBIT. The CMS Garden booth was bigger than last year and sponsored substantially by CeBIT itself. As CMS Garden is quite an eye-catcher, with it's gardeners staff, a prominent place at one of the entrances of Hall 6 was granted to the initiative. As a visitor you had to enter Hall 6 theough a CMS Garden gate Not surprisingly some visitors mistook CMS Garden for a real garden or at least had to look twice what was going on. We received quite some positive feedback from people and some explicitly mentioned the positive energy radiating from the gardening friends. The gardening analogy CMS garden uses is not that strange as it is quite often used to denote community oriented work. A garden needs to be taken maintained carefully to make it flourish by watering it and pruning every once in a while. A garden also comes to it's fullest potential when there is a great diversity of plants of different height and colour. Leslie Hawthorn, community manager at Elastic search, explains the gardening principle in her Berlin Buzzwords presentation '<link http: vimeo.com>How to make your project blossom'. Since it was the second year the gardeners operate as a collective they now have quite some experience in luring visitors into the garden. Each system is of course proud to explain the great features of their system, but interested visitors are guided to the content management system they are specifically looking for or to the one that most suited to their questions. Most of the staff know the features and special characteristics of the CMS-es at the booth. Wednesday and Thursday were the most busy days of the fair and the three stations we had for the TYPO3 project were fully occupied for most of the day by interested visitors. There was a lot of interest in the new Long Term Support version due out on March 25 and there was a lot of curiosity regarding TYPO3 Neos, as you can imagine. Very interesting is also the interaction between the different CMS groups after hours. There are lot of things the systems have in common on the road to the future and they partly share the same challenges. These interactions might be the basis for further events for instance like meetings targeting technical issues or usability challenges. One thing the group is proud of is that they rise above their separate identities and share a common mission providing tools enabling people to communicate and express themselves on the internet based on Open Source software and community collaboration. Next CMS Garden will be from April 1–3 at the <link http: www.worldhostingdays.com eng>World Hosting Days, Rust. You are invited to help out in the garden, in fact we need your help as we are missing some green fingers. (<link>just send a mail)Bernard Welzel We were fortunate to have many people from the TYPO3 community at the booth. Special thanks goes out to everyone who supported TYPO3 at the CMS Garden and a very special thanks goes out to Bernhard Welzel who has dedicated an unusual amount of time into the preparation and the event itself.
DEVELOPER DAYS 2014: Call for papers
This week the <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org call-for-papers>Call for papers for the Developer Days was announced. The organisation lets us know that the Developer Days are not only for experienced programmers and they encourage submitting papers for workshops on beginners level as well. Last but not least <link https: typo3.org news article documentation-team-code-sprint>the Documentation Team announces their first code sprint. If you are interested in joining the Documentation Team, this is a great opportunity to do so as you can get to know its current members and start using the tools and processes with the team around. Get in touch by writing to <link>documentation@typo3.org.Errata: Jo Hasenau lets us know that although they are very happy to have reached the target of the fund raiser for themes, the landslide victory was not for the reached target as mentioned last week, but for the fact that over 80% agreed that bootstrap is the preferred way to go for theming.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.