TYPO3 sprints are planned and happening, news on TYPO3 Flow and Neos, an overview of the T3A in 2014 and the next generation of TYPO3 with T3rookies.
Week ending January 18
TYPO3 Neos
In a <link http: forum.typo3.org>technical discussion on Januari 26, to get a consensus of important (and possibly breaking) changes for the next versions, it was among others decided that Bastian Waidelich will be release manager for TYPO3 Flow 3.0 (the base of the next Neos version). Robert Lemke is release manager for TYPO3 Neos 1.3. Both products will have a feature freeze on February 2015!
Neos 1.3 will bring (among others): Simple workflow, stabilising node tree and general UI improvements.
Flow 3.0 will bring:
Major changes:
- Multi-Storage / Multi-Target Resource Management
- Refactoring of major parts of the Security Framework and solid foundation for a flexible and powerful ACL mechanism
- Fluid: Automatic registering of PackageKeys as namespaces, improved security and error feedback
Some of those changes are breaking, but they come with core migrations that adjust existing packages automagically.
Further changes:
- Monolog Integration
- Better ValueObject support
- Decoupled Party package
- Proper PSR-4 Support
- Improved XLIFF support
- Improved migration handling for both doctrine and core migrations
- Easier injection of settings or other configuration
All very technical details can be found in the forum:
<link http: forum.typo3.org>
TYPO3 Association
Our executive Naike Schultheiß and board member Stefan Busemann presented yet another great overview this time of <link http: typo3.org news article decembers-diary-of-the-typo3-association>the activities of the TYPO3 Association in 2014.
2014 had the following highlights for the T3A: Olivier Dobberkau elected as president of the TYPO3 Association, Naike installed as executive secretary, 10 agency meet up days, release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2, Neos 1.2, many code sprints, professionalised back office and other TYPO3 events the TYPO3 Association was present at.
TYPO3 sprints
Learning Unit Sprint
From the beginning of this year we started to use the term sprints instead of codesprints. The category in our event listing on typo3.org is now called '<link events typo3-sprints>TYPO3 sprints'. This underlines the fact that the TYPO3 community is more than coding. The Learning Unit sprint is a good example of that.
Patrick Lobacher writes on behalf of the <link http: typo3.org teams education>education team about the <link http: typo3.org news article first-learning-unit-sprint-a-big-success>First Learning Unit Sprint on December 11-12, 2014 in Kiel. Christopher Hlubek and his agency <link https: networkteam.com>networkteam hosted this event and provided the coffee and christmas biscuits.

The team is still in the strategic phase after the big Education Sprint last year and started to visualize intention and goal by means of the well known Business Model Canvas approach.
The sprint was very productive with as outcome a rough roadmap. The team identified "TYPO3 CMS for editors" (beginner level) and "TYPO3 Fluid" (beginner level) as main focal points.
The next sprint of the Learning Unit Task Force will take place on March 12-13, 2015. Write an email to patrick.lobacher(at)typo3.org if you are interested to join.
CMS Sprint
From Jan 29 until Febr 1 the CMS codesprint in Berlin is underway. Nicole Cordes organised this sprint.
The second code sprint for TYPO3 CMS in 2015 is kindly hosted by <link http: www.cps-it.de>CPS-IT (praezisions_WEB_entwicklung) and tackles the topic 'Core Cleanup & Streamlining - PHPUnit improvements' leading towards TYPO3 CMS 7.1, to be released next month on Febr. 17.
13 people are participating in this sprint.
File Abstraction Layer Sprint

Also from Jan 29 until Febr 1 the <link http: wiki.typo3.org code_sprint_fal>FAL Codesprint takes place in the Unperfekthaus in Essen, Germany. The Unperfekthaus is a perfect location to do such an event. The location contains many different spaces and is home to many creative initiatives. <link http: www.cms-garden.org>CMS Garden has its annual meetings there and there are a good number of TYPO3 events like the TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr.
This sprint is organised by Andrea Herzog-Kienast, Mathias Schreiber and Ingo Schmitt. The sprint attracts around 16 people, which is quite a large number. It shows how important people regard this topic. The issues that will be dealt are mainly squashing bugs, but also getting in missing or incomplete functionality.

As what usually goes for a sprint the travel costs and lodging are reimbursed, but the work itself is all voluntary.
The FAL project is running for a long time already and its goal is to replace the traditional fileadmin with multiple storages, either local or provided through services like Dropbox. Files get a unique identifier, which basically gets rid of the many copies of files that used to amount to Gigs of storage being used in some or maybe most TYPO3 installations.
The organisation is pleased that their tight budget for this sprint is supplemented by <link http: www.viazenetti.de>viazenetti GmbH making sure the participants will be well nourished.
The 19 worker bees can also look forward to a nice surprise that will be supplied by <link https: sitegeist.de>sitegeist media solutions GmbH.
Besides participating in the organisation of the aforementioned FAL codesprint Andrea Herzog-Kienast also leads the <link http: t3rookies.net en>T3Rookies initiative. The aim of T3rookies is to provide an entry point into the TYPO3 community for students, trainees and apprentices in the age group 16 - 25. This specific target group gets rights to certain privileges like cheaper or free tickets to events, free TYPO3 training or apprenticeship at a TYPO3 company.

T3rookies encourages and supports the next generation. It is a great initiative that promotes diversity and is a win-win situation for both the rookies as the TYPO3 companies.
If you have ideas, requests, problems or other suggestions you have, please get in touch. If you want to join the project then please write a mail to <link>rookies@typo3.org.
You will find more information on the activities in several languages on the T3rookies website <link http: t3rookies.net>
t3rookies.net. T3rookies needs your input in order to meet your needs and implement it in our initiative.
The team is working on a no to very low budget. Contact us to find out how you can sponsor T3rookies! The next generation is your future!
This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https: www.maxserv.com>Maxserv.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>
typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.