After a very succesful relaunch week ( in Essen in April of this year we will pick up were we left with a Sprint Weekend in Wiesbaden from September 15th - 19th, 2011.
In the relaunch week we managed to what we estimate 83% of the project, but there are still a number of blockers without which we cannot go live. Priorities for the Sprint weekend are: Document Library, Solr Search, Consultancy Listing/References, Login/User Registration, Donation Module, News/Calendar and Social Media Integration. These are the must have user-stories for the relaunch. The main goal of the sprint is to deliver a beta release for public testing. It is still hard to estimate if we will be ready for a launch after public testing, but we are getting towards our end goal, the release of
The sprint weekend will be hosted in Wiesbaden at the AOE offices from Thursday 15th to Monday 19th. At this moment there are a number of developers and integrators from the T3O week that will attend the sprint weekend. We also invited some other developers we knew would be interested in joining or that let us know they wanted to participate. So we welcome some new faces in the team.
We can always use an extra developer hand! If you want to support the relaunch project and if you have the skills it takes you are more then welcome to contact us at <link http: contact form _blank>
All expenses of the sprint weekend are covered by the sponsoring we received from the many companies you will find in the footer of the <link http: _blank relaunch> Relaunch Website.
In the meantime we will keep working on <link http: projects show team-t3o-relaunch-week _blank project relaunch>Forge Issues and hope to fix some bugs and issues before the sprint weekend.