The who and when and what

Code Sprint in July in Stuttgart

Part of the agenda was to discuss a solution for extending extbase models with mixins. Some steps have been taken to achieve a stable solution. If you are interested in the findings, have a look <link http: issues issue tracker at>here at Forge. This work was not completely finished though in order to attend to other issues like stabilizing and bugfixing of existing code. So the team decided that mixins will not be part of 6.0. Especially the huge number of bugs closed and patches merged makes the Stuttgart code sprint a great success, even though not an abundant number of new features was developed. Check out the <link http: projects typo3v4-mvc issues issue>issue tracker if you are interested in the details.
We cannot encourage you enough to consider taking part in such sprints and/or the team activity, every help would be appreciated big time.
Next steps...
Working with other teams is vital in the TYPO3 community, especially because things are interwoven at such a basic level (think of security, persistence, Extbase/FLOW3 etc.). Anja Leichsenring of the Extbase Team will seek closer cooperation with Andi Förthner (security guru on the FLOW3 team) and the FLOW3 Team in general to streamline an overall security framework applicable for Extbase too.<link http: news article typo3-association-budget-applications-for-2012 association budget application>Budget applications are still on and the Extbase Team will apply for a budget again used for code sprints. To make it easier for total beginners to get into Extbase, the team will try to build up the blog Example with new layout and proper documentation as a real source to get started developing with Extbase.
Some substantial effort will be targeted at documentation. Due to the fast paced change FLOW3 and Extbase undergo it is not always easy to determine what is working how in which version (Helmut Hummel made some very informative tables about that to be found <link http: news article extbase-and-fluid-feature-overview and fluid feature>here). Stefan Frömken who has been working on his own “private” Extbase documentation will work with the Extbase Team to get the documentation issue up to speed. Also the “classic” book by Jochen Rau and Sebastian Kurfürst should get regular updates concerning its <link http: documentation typo3 book extbasefluid.git extbase-fluid-book _genesis trunk _build html free english translation>English online translation.

And again, if you feel you want to contribute please do contact the Extbase Team (Felix Oertel, felix dot oertel at typo3 dot org).