By deploying a workaround, the SOAP issue which kept the old Extension Manager from uploading extensions has been solved. The work on other parts of is making progress and help by the community is appreciated.
Dear community,
as it seems the SOAP problem which we have with the upload of extensions with the old EM is related to either PHP 5.1.2 or the FreeBSD build of PHP we're running at Karsten Dambekalns and I have debugged this for several hours (even the C source code of the PHP5 SOAP extension) and didn't find a solution yet.
I therefore decided to develop a workaround which bypasses the SOAP interface for this specific case. This solution is now tested and installed at - you can now upload extensions with all versions of the Extension Manager.
If you have knowledge enough to help us with the SOAP issue, please read the related thread in the team mailing list ( and let us know that you'd like to help.
A short note regarding the other issues at We're aware of most of them and are working on it. Currently these tasks have a high priority in the following order:
- redirect old-style links to extensions and manuals, so google etc. link
to existing pages
- some manuals are not rendered due to an invalid structure in the Open
Office Write XML
- indexed search doesn't deliver useful results
- links to manuals from the extension lists don't work (caching problem in
relation with realurl)
- download links / other formats are not visible yet for documentation
- utf-8 conversion forth and back does not work (results author names like
Kasper Skrhj)
and more ..
Please note that the layout / html / css has nothing to do with the above mentioned issues. The TER2 project and launch of the new design are two independent projects. If you would like to help with improving the design, HTML and CSS code, please have a look at the mailing list of the Content Rendering Group led by Ben van't Ende.
And finally I'd like to add a personal note about the type of feedback we receive: Thank you to all those who helped with bug reports, offering of help and encouraging words - this is what speeds things up and helps to have a stable and feature-rich soon. However, those who just complain in a non-constructive way can really drag you down and cost quite some motivation to spend more nights on development. Be assured that we know how software can be tested and deployed and discussed different ways of launching TER2. In the end, the way we have chosen was the only one which we considered a valid option.
If you consider that we completely replaced and all involved extensions by code which was written from the scratch, it's running really well. The raise of speed you might have noticed will be even be higher as soon as people start working with TYPO3 4.0. The problems you currently experience are teething troubles which will disappear step by step and soon the advantages of the new TER will become visible.
Thanks for your patience and - all will be fine!