T3N Magazine releases four current TYPO3-Articles in English

Categories: Community Created by Thomas Hempel
For the 10th time the T3N Magazine for Open Source and Web updated their article database. Four stories from the last issue (No. 10) have recently been translated for your free reading pleasure.
The topics this time include an interview with Kasper Skårhøj and Daniel Hinderink about the future of TYPO3, a look inside the new TYPO3 version 4.2, a comparison between different Download Solutions with DAM Connection and an article about open source business models in transition. New T3N articles:
  1. ?There is no competition between Version 4 and 5? - Interview with Kasper Skårhøj and Daniel Hinderink about the future of TYPO3
  2. TYPO3 4.2 - A look inside the new TYPO3 version
  3. Comparing Download Solutions with DAM Connection
  4. Open Source Business Models in Transition: Part 3: Strategic Alliances ? turbo boosts for business