Wald- und Sporthotel Festenburg So the date, organisation, location and team structure will basically stay the same. Just the name will be changed to underline the fact that this is the follow up to the TYPO3 User eXperience Week of 2009. The accompanying website and event notifications are updated as well. T3UXW14 will deal with topics related to distributions and themes, but usability topics will become more important now. This is why the organisation of T3UXW14 is attending the TYPO3camp in Munich and the following TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor Meeting (ACME) to get in contact with TYPO3 CMS users, integrators and the core team and discuss usability issues. Additionally we are collecting input from the agency meetup days, so we can consider requests made by TYPO3 CMS providers as well. Last but not least we are going to involve people from the Neos team, to make sure that there is a common vision for the user experience of the TYPO3 product family. We invite you to attend this important event and to support us making the user experience of the TYPO3 products even better than it already is. This is a chance for you to participate even if you are not a coder. We have got 30 places to form 5 teams and we are especially asking for people with a non coding background. Still we will need coders to implement the stuff we are going to create, but designers, especially with experience in interface design, copy writers for the distribution packages and people with daily experience in editorial teams are as important for a successful event. So don't hesitate to apply, go to<link http: www.t3uxw.org> www.t3uxw.org and fill out the form.