The schedule and speakers for the TYPO3 Developer Days are online and offer a wider range of topics than ever before.
The schedule and speakers for the TYPO3 Developer Days are online in a fully responsive design made by Patrick Broens.
Patrick is known to some of the TYPO3 community as the guy that created the awesome <link http: extensions repository view survey>Survey extension and/or for his work on CSS Styled Content that is the basis output of TYPO3 CMS or for that matter for his good humor accompanied by his amicable laugh. In his quest for valid, scalable and responsive output Patrick has created the developer days schedule. There is no need for an Android or iPhone app as the schedule pages, or for that matter all pages of the T3DD14 website, are fit for all devices.
As already mentioned earlier we have some non-developer related topics like <link http: schedule yoga-friday>yoga sessions, <link http: schedule office-exercises-body-workout>body workout, <link http: schedule self-massage-for-geeks-totally-sfw>self-massage for geeks and the <link http: location-travel room-5>open source communication workshops all in room 5. These are all not strictly developer oriented, but we realise there is more to development then code alone and in order to stay focused and aware of why we are actually in the open source game these topics broadly support the developer effort.
The newly formed <link http: teams education>educational committee is putting it’s activity into a certification preparation with no less than Patrick Lobacher, that everyone knows from the “What’s new …” slides and the many books he has written accompanied by Peter Pröll who can shine a light from the TYPO3 Association perspective as member of the Expert Advisory Board.
<link http: location-travel room-6>Room 6 will be fully dedicated to Flow and Neos topics, so if you are a FLOW fan person you can bunk there for all days. Of course TYPO3 CMS topics will be plenty all over the Techniekhuys for the four developer days and covering the very technical topics like testing, development and javascript to documentation, theming and templating.
We all know of course that a lot of stuff takes place in hallway conversations and impromptu sessions and the organisation is confident in having found a location that provides just that with even a small cinema for all your open source movies ;)

If all the non-developer and developer related workshops and sessions are not enough already the event will also feature the soccer game Germany-Ghana on big screen during the Social Event with a BBQ preceding the game.
So if you have not registered yet after having read all that is coming to you on the developer days then do so <link http: tickets-hotels>now. You can also find a great hotel offer including transportation to the event.