The conference started on Thursday October 4, with special development workshops for the upcoming TYPO3 products,, Unit Testing, Versioning, and the popular introduction day introducing the TYPO3 CMS to newcomers. A full day tutorial covering SCRUM Training demonstrated the benefits of agile development and coached the very interested participants, by means of practical examples, SCRUM games and modelling. The SCRUM Session was part of the newly established T3SCRUM educational project, which provides training and webinars, blog posts and other communication about SCRUM and other methodologies for software development (link: <link http: _blank t3scrum> The day ended with a very short General Assembly of the TYPO3 Association where two new members where elected for the Business Control Committee and Expert Advisory Board as replacement for two member that left. (link: T3A GA <link http: general-assembly _blank association general> The Keynote - It’s Time for Neos On Friday the conference started after a short introduction and welcome with the keynote of Robert Lemke, the well known lead developer of the TYPO3 Flow framework, showing the different products from the TYPO3 brand which has evolved during the last year. Robert showed the different features from TYPO3 4.6 and 4.7, up to the TYPO3 Government Package leading to the new TYPO3 6.0 - available by the end of november 2012 and introducing the new File Abstraction Layer and Namespace for the TYPO3 CMS. By showing off existing products, like FLOW3 and Fluid, along with upcoming solutions such as Surf, which have grown from the original TYPO3 product, Robert Lemke continued to introduce the new branding scheme for the TYPO3 Family.

The keynote ended with a video showing impressions and interviews from the TYPO3 Neos code sprint held in Copenhagen in September of this year.
The keynote ended to huge applause, leaving everybody excited about the changes, innovations and achievements which have been reached within one year. Right away the main conference started, offering a wide range of nearly 60 sessions and workshops from the four major topic tracks Community and TYPO3 Association, Integration, Developments, Concepts and Projects. The new T3A budget process
One of the biggest talks during the conference was the budget discussion of the TYPO3 Association (link: T3A <link http:>, a follow up to the new budget process of the T3A, which invited four of nearly 50 projects to represent their ideas to the TYPO3 community.
First Ben van’t Ende, the TYPO3 Community Manager, introduced his budget application for 2013 and showed how his work is has influenced the community during the past years. Ben also showed the audience some community dashboard metrics and explained his daily work and ideas for growing the TYPO3 community.
After that the TYPO3 v6 team, represented by Ernesto Baschny and Oliver Hader, showed their achievements and plans for 2013, including those to improve code quality and a short insight for the upcoming features of TYPO3 Version 6, along with plans on how to spend the money from their budget application.
Next up was the TYPO3 Neos team, represented by budget owner Karsten Dambekals, also showing their achievements and explaining their budget application for 2013. During the q&a session the spectators from the TYPO3 community took their chance to start a lively, interesting, but fair discussion regarding future developments and milestones for the inquired budgets. Karsten Dambekalns also asked the broad audience to actively participate in the TYPO3 Neos project (formerly known as “Phoenix”) by suggesting feature wishes for the recent Content Management System of the TYPO3 family
Finally the Marketing and PR team, represented by Kian Gould, introduced their budget request with the idea to mandate a professional public relations agency for the TYPO3 project.
In summary the T3A budget discussion had very strong participation from the TYPO3 community and T3A members which showed strong interest in the new budget process and their wish for transparency. For further discussions the forum of the budget applications is still open until 3rd November 2012. (link: <link https: projects t3a-eab-budget2013 boards _blank application> Social Event with DJ

Besides the comprehensive conference program another highlight of the T3CON12DE was the social event in the evening of the second conference day. The social event took place at the atrium of the Filderhalle, starting with a dinner buffet and continuing with a DJ Set and people dancing, socializing and celebrating the TYPO3 community. Live online certifications beginning 2013
During saturday the conference continued to offer more workshops and sessions. Notably the session about the future of the very successful certification program for Certified TYPO3 Integrators was fully booked. Today already more than 1,150 Certified TYPO3 Integrators from 27 countries across the world have successfully approved their skills in TYPO3.
The certification Team announced that the certification program will expand in 2013 to offer live online exams carried out by Pearson VUE. Later in 2013 a TYPO3 Certified Developer program will be also be offered. Finally the conference ended with a talk on saturday afternoon leaving everybody with a feeling of progress, inspiration and excitement for all the upcoming projects and events. The next major TYPO3 event will be the international TYPO3 Conference which will take place in San Francisco, USA on 30/31 May 2013, as the T3CON13US. Special thanks to <link https: users _blank denyer forge>Den Denyer for proofreading this article.