T3CON11 was visited by 360 TYPO3 enthusiasts that spent two days together networking and listening to the over 40 sessions. For the first time videos were made available while the conference was still ongoing
With the tracks of "Coding", "Integration", "Design and UX", "Admin" and "Business & Best Practices" being organized in 4 parallel tracks, one certainly had to miss at least some of the topics, being interested in. To address this bother and supply those who could not attend the T3CON as well, the <link http: wiki.typo3.org video_team _blank>T3CON Video Team worked really hard, to publish all of the sessions hold as recordings.
For the first time in T3CON history the first videos were made available while the conference was still ongoing. Nearly 24 hours after the conference ended, all recordings made were online and ready for downloading.
There are 41 recordings, adding to the size of 25 GB offered at a 1 Gbit/s line at the moment, which still has plenty of room left for additional downloaders. As of today, three days after the T3CON has ended, there were more then 2 TB worth recordings downloaded allready.
If you missed some interesting talk or could not have been in Hanau at all, please visit the download site and catch up with the latest and greatest TYPO3 information.
The videos are available on <link http: t3con11.chaoscdn.de _blank>t3con11.chaoscdn.de
Feel free to mirror them to your company's network and give copies to your friends. If you want to publish or upload a session that is not your own, please get in touch with the respective speaker first.
Unfortunately not all talks could have been recorded and uploaded. The recording hardware and BoinxTV were giving a hard time and some recordings broke that bad, that the T3CON Video Team was not able to recover them.
All video's will also be published on the TYPO3 official Vimeo channel at<link http: vimeo.com typo3videos _blank vimeo>vimeo.com/typo3videos. As Vimeo has a weekly upload limit of five GB, it will take at least five weeks to get them all online.
Technical Insights
In three rooms the videos were recorded with each a room-cam behind the audience and a speaker-cam for close-ups near the canvas. We shot at 15 frames per second and converted them to Apple Intermediate Codec in mov-containter with BoinxTV.
In the main room, Kasper Skårhøj brought some HD equipment so we were able to shoot videos with two room-cams in 720p.
After taking the videos from the recording computers, they were converted to 640 x 480 H.264 at around 1.400 Kbps and 160 kbps AAC audio in an mp4-container. This wide spread format should be viewable on almost every hardware including all recent smartphones and even supports being streamed instead of downloaded.