The most awesome TYPO3 event has come to an end. After the interim report from the TYPO3 snowboard tour in Laax, Peter Kraume, reports on the snowboard tour again..
After the soccer tournament the players and visitors spread over Laax and Flims to dive into the nightlife. At 3 a.m. a special journey with the gondola took us back to our mountain hostel on Crap Sogn Gion. There are rumors that there are some guys who didn't make it to the gondola in time just to stay in the valley for some more parties.On wednesday evening the traditional soccer tournament took place. After dinner at the Hotel Signina in Laax the six teams gathered to end the winning streak of team "Nothern Germany". Some of the teams were not bound to one nationality, but were od international allure. In a thrilling finale team "International I" managed to beat the guys from northern Germany. The team with the best and loudest motivation could have been "T3C?T3AM" (speak: tec team).
After this busy night many folks took the chance on thursdays to chill out. Instead of skiing or snowboarding many preferred a sunbath. With spring temperatures there were even some pale TYPO3 nerds in shorts, shirt and flip-flops spotted. In the evening Robert Lemke presented the <link http: news article t3board12-part2 strategy-and-leadership-in-the-typo3-project board>concept for the product board and asked for the opinion of the gathered TYPO3 community. The topic has been discussed quite controversial. Afterwards the <link http: news article t3board12-part2 about-the-next-typo3-major-releases major>plans for new major versions of TYPO3 were presented.
The T3BOARD12 ended on friday evening with a tasty cheese fondue. This community event again was a full success. Both those who are already participants for years and newcomers were thrilled by the great atmosphere. There were many good talks old friendships refreshed and new friends made.
During a short poll about the location for T3BOARD13 the majority of those present favored Laax instead of Zell am See.