This year Google accepted 180 organizations to participate in the Google Summer of Code. Unfortunately TYPO3 is not one of them this time.
As reason for the rejection the organisation mentioned they received many more applications then they could accommodate. An IRC chat provided further information and hints on how to improve our application for the next year.GSoC was a great opportunity these past years and we have had many ideas on how to improve the experience and performance for this year and the coming years.
We set up a great collection of <link https: development gsoc2012 projects _blank>possible ideas. I personally really like these ideas and would love to see some of them getting real, even without Google. So we came up with the idea to do our own little summer of code.
So this is the idea: There is no budget, but a bunch of great ideas, some <link https: development gsoc2012 mentors potential-mentors _blank>cool mentors and an awesome community that really appreciates innovative projects. And I am pretty sure we will find one or the other sponsor for a little gimmick or swag.
The participants do not need to be students, but should be willing to spend some time and enthusiasm on Open Source and the project idea.
As Google will not be involved in our summer, we will not have any midterm or final evaluations like in GSoC. Thus the role of the mentor will shift a bit. I would like to have one of our mentors on each project. The mentor will act as a "team leader", "project manager", "project owner" guiding the team and helping to create a roadmap/time schedule, evaluating the work, giving feedback, collecting and preparing feedback from the community. Having a mentor for such projects will help to get it done.
Even without Google we will definitely stick to a fixed timeline and target on getting the projects finished at the end of the summer. The project needs to have a 'doable' roadmap, which in the end will have a final stable result (as in 'done done') ready for the T3CON12 Stuttgart in October. If we get one or two projects done during summer we will hand in a talk about our own "TYPO3 Summer of Code" and about the actual project(s). I am sure we will find a way to invite the participants to the T3CON12 in Stuttgart (I am looking at you, sponsors).
So. What do you think? Ever wanted to contribute to the TYPO3 project? Work on and finish a cool project? Ready to scratch your itch and get famous? Want to join the fun? Or want to sponsor anything from T-Shirts to a T3CON-Ticket?
Do not hesitate to contact me (<link http: news article summer-of-code-2012>tobias.liebig(at) if you have any questions or like to work on one of the projects.