Server Team Status Report—November 2020

Categories: Community Created by Andri Steiner
After one meeting in person early this year, all our subsequent sprints were forced into remote calls due to the ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, we’ve used the sprint dates we had already agreed upon to tackle our duties from home.

Our last sprint in 2020 took place from November 2nd to 4th. As outlined in our last report, we are in the process of migrating our workload to a streamlined and container-based infrastructure this year.

We took the opportunity to prepare some of those migrations, in particular:

Furthermore, we planned the upcoming restructuring of our outdated mailing lists into the new forums with the parties involved, and prepared a new system for the upcoming official TYPO3 demo.

As always, it was a pleasure to work directly with each other as well as the other teams. Needless to say, we’re looking forward to next year's sprints and hope that we’re able to meet in person again then.

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