Release parties for TYPO3 version 4.6

Categories: Community Created by ben van 't ende

TYPO3 version 4.6 is right around the corner, slated for release on October 25. We want you to celebrate this release with us!

TYPO3 version 4.6 will include features that have been back ported from <link http: _blank php>FLOW3 and TYPO3 Phoenix, our next generation CMS. Among those features are an updated caching framework and the incorporation of XLIFF support, which allows translators to use the<link http: _blank>new translation server based on Pootle.

In addition, new features were added and many improvements were made to overall performance, rendering this version of TYPO3 more powerful for the admins, integrators, and editors who rely on TYPO3 on a daily basis.

Thanks to Xavier Perseguers, the release manager of 4.6, this was the strictest release ever and he made sure all release dates (alpha, beta) were kept.

Now it is your turn party. Add your event to the <link http: release_party typo3_4.6 _blank your event to the>WIKI. Be creative, any kind of event will do, anywhere! Share you celebration with us through Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or any other social means. You can use the hastag:#TYPO3FOUR6 for that.