Update on the user experience planning taking place at the TYPO3 Neos Code Sprint May 2013.
After gathering user feedback from the alpha version of Neos, we are working on improving both the overall user experience of Neos and the actual interface of the backend. In more broad terms this output is about organizing how all the state-of-the-art technology that have been worked into Neos and Flow can now come to life for all kinds of future uses of Neos. We’re essentially arranging how many years of development will finally interact with our users in an up-to-date manner.
Collectively within the TYPO3 community we have a lot of experience about how content is managed in real-life, about how integrators like to setup sites and about how WCM integrates with all the other components organizations use to publish on the web. All that experience is now flowing into the finalizing of the coming releases Neos.
A user experience master plan
Evaluating the interface of the alpha version of Neos, it’s been clear that we needed to improve the overall user experience and the layout of the interface. To make sure we have some high-level guidelines that can help us fit in all the many features, the team has developed a <link http: neos.typo3.org ux uxmasterplan>user experience master plan that formulates the general experience across.
A lot of work has gone into structuring the interface in a way that provides for future changes of how content is managed, how sites are built and how the CMS interfaces with business processes. We want the backend design to be generic enough for a vast amount of different scenarios - ranging from running a small campaign site to the management of multi-site, multi-channel enterprise websites. The overall layout is therefore being improved, providing a logical structure to make sure every conceivable functionality has a natural position in the backend.
Challenge our thoughts on the future of web content management
While we build TYPO3 Neos, we're working very hard to make the features of the releases after 1.0 have logic positions in the backend. We're making room for all what's coming. In that process, we'd love to get feedback on how to prioritize the features for complex web building. <link http: neos.typo3.org ux>Neos.typo3.org/ux explains how to give input to the team.
Call for application interface designers
The Neos team is putting together all the generic design interface specifications into a single reference that will allow future designers and developers to achieve a consistent user experience. If you are an experienced application interface designer, this is a perfect time to help out. Write to <link>Rasmus if you want to get in touch.