Next Bug Day: October 29

Categories: Community Created by François Suter
The next gathering of bug hunters will take place on Friday, October 29, 2010. Start up the engines!
After the summer lull, the Bug Days have picked up again with renewed activity. Don't stay by the road side. Jump on board and participate in the joy of squashing some of those nasty pests. The main action happens online, in particular on the dedicated IRC channel (<link irc: typo3 bug day irc>irc:// are also always a couple of meeting places and you are very welcome to join other developers there. If you are a company or some other entity willing to provide such a meeting place, please register yourself on the Bug Day's wiki page. All that's needed is some place to work, an Internet connection and - if you're really nice - some catering. There's already an announcement from the Munich area (from Marcus Schwemer), follow the lead!

Related Links

  • The October 2010 Bug Day page