Next Bug Day: June 25

Categories: Community Created by François Suter
It's time to go bug hunting again. Pack your gear and join us!
The next TYPO3 Bug Day will take place on June 25, 2010. If everything goes according to plan (as it is for the time being), TYPO3 4.4 will just have been released. Thus the main focus for this Bug Day will be trying to fix bugs that may crop up as people start deploying 4.4 massively in real-life scenarios. As is now becoming customary - but should not become a boring routine - you are warmly encouraged to host a physical meeting of developers on that day, if you have such a facility at your disposal. If you are ready to host a group of developers, please register yourself on the wiki page for the June Bug Day. Besides the physical locations, the action will take place - as usual - via IRC, so please join us on <link irc: official bug day irc>irc:// on the given day. Also check out the links below, with some general information about Bug Days and the wiki page dedicated to the upcoming June instance.

Related Links

  • June Bug Day page