New Code of Conduct: Cast Your Vote

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All users can vote to accept or reject the new Code of Conduct for the TYPO3 community. To give it the broadest possible foundation, this vote is also open to those without a TYPO3 Association membership. Voting closes 7 March, 2022.

Cast Your Vote

Back in September 2021, the Ombudsperson Group started an extensive review process for a new Code of Conduct for the TYPO3 community. We received thorough and thoughtful anonymous feedback that was incorporated into the proposal where possible.

The final Code of Conduct proposal was accepted by the TYPO3 Association Board at the end of 2021.

We are now asking you to vote over the new code of conduct. If it is accepted with a majority vote, it will take effect as TYPO3’s new code of conduct.

Here’s a little recap of why and how we’re introducing this change:

Why Change the Existing Code of Conduct?

Currently, TYPO3 has several codes of conduct. To best support our community, it is imperative that we have only one, unified Code of Conduct without ambiguity. To avoid the risk of contradictions we have created the new Code of Conduct to be:

  • Clear and concise. The core rules and advice sections are only 157 words long.
  • Specific and actionable. Concrete language describing clear behaviors.

We see these additional benefits with this Code of Conduct:

  • It is easier to present to an audience on stage, on a poster, etc.
  • It can easily be translated and therefore be better understood.
  • It can be explained with clear reference to concise and specific sections in an FAQ or commentary.

For a Free and Responsible Community

When creating the code of conduct proposal, we have looked at Codes of Conduct from a number of different organizations. Some things have been inspiring, while others may be said to unnecessarily limit individual rights or freedoms. We believe everyone has both freedoms and responsibility. We have written about that in the preface:

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, but be your best. You are a free individual with the right to your own personal views and values. However, you also have the responsibility to treat people with respect.

We will collaborate with the Association Board to spread knowledge about the Code of Conduct and help educate members about upholding it.

Cast Your Vote

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