Inspring Flow conference starting next week

Categories: Community Created by ben van 't ende
The biggest conference dedicated to the new family members of the TYPO3 project, Neos and Flow, is taking place next week.
On April 19 and 20 the Inspiring Flow conference will take place in Kolbermoor, Southern Germany. The two conference days are packed with <link http: program.html _blank external-link>interesting talks including subjects ranging from Neos to Flow also getting into the relationship towards our current flagship TYPO3 CMS. <link http: workshops.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Workshops geared towards Flow and Neos will be held the day preceding and following the Inspiring Flow conference, which provides a unique opportunity to learn from and work with some of the best developers in the TYPO3 community. Tickets are still <link http: tickets.html _blank external-link>available and you can even win some at <link http: inspiring-flow-tickets-zu-gewinnen-2x _blank external-link>t3blogger.