Core Development Team Meeting
Right before the TYPO3 Developer Days 2012 itself the traditional Core Development Team Meeting took place to discuss strategies, develop new concepts and simply code together. The meeting started with defining motivation for being a TYPO3 developer. In general the team confirmed that communication is essential, important and fruitful. It might be no surprise that Community & Friendship are the main motivators for participation. In the weeks prior to T3DD12 the TYPO3 release manager of version 6.0 was elected by means of online voting by the Core Development Team. The new release manager for TYPO3 6.0 is Helmut Hummel. Helmut is leader of the Security Team and valued member of the Core Development Team. The team also worked on a topic collection for the upcoming 6.0 release. In October 2008, the TYPO3 Core team gathered for development meetings in Berlin. The primary focus of these meetings was the roadmap for TYPO3, both the current TYPO3 v4 and the upcoming CMS based on FLOW3. The <link roadmap berlin-manifesto>Berlin Manifesto that was agreed upon back then is still valid in the form it was drafted in 2008 the team decided. One of the main topics of course is the new CMS based on FLOW3 and Sebastian presented a status report on that. Further improvements for 4.7 were discussed for the upcoming release scheduled for April 24.
The workshops
FLOW3 and especially Phoenix related stuff gains a lot of momentum during T3DD12. After a period of seeing more ore less similar presentations of what might happen somewhere in the future, it seems people recognize that things are getting serious now. With FLOW3 being out in the wild for quite some time, larger projects using it for different purposes and the first professional looking sites based on Phoenix being publicly available, there is a lot of interest on how to get into action with the new concepts. Workshops like "TYPO3 Phoenix Key Concepts", "Developing the TYPO3 Phoenix Backend Concept" or "Fluid and TypoScript Harmony: The new rendering concept of TYPO3 Phoenix" were fully crowded. The attendants started to get their hands dirty while implementing their first Phoenix based websites. They saw awesome new embedded expression language concepts implemented in TypoScript, moving it from a mix-up between configuration and programming to a true programming language with a clearly defined syntax, that could be used outside the Phoenix context as well, even for completely different projects based on FLOW3. And the good thing about all that is: They are really available now and can be used for real life projects. Of course the new CMS can not rival current TYPO3 regarding functionality yet, but there are lots of impressive concepts that are already built in, working and used for production. This gives us a solid foundation, which is much more sophisticated, well planned and cleanly implemented. So now it's becoming clear, why rebuilding the system from scratch was necessary and could only be achieved within a certain amount of time. But after all it's been worth waiting and the results are really stunning. So now it's up to the community to keep up that momentum and go on adopting the new concepts and start projects based on them. There is a need for real life use cases to create the necessary feedback, so that the teams will be able to finish the first official release of our new CMS. If you want to contribute, you are welcome to join them, since they currently reached an overall skill level that will enable them to quickly integrate and instruct new members. Get in contact via the FLOW3 channel at <link http: irc.freenode.net>irc.freenode.net
TYPO3 press Flickr: <link http: www.flickr.com photos typo3 with>www.flickr.com/photos/typo3/with/6932872980/