Extension Award—Nomination

Categories: Community, Documentation Created by Sybille Peters
Photo: Luisella Planeta Leoni / Pixabay
In a previous typo3.org news post, the TYPO3 Extension Award for best documentation was introduced. We would now like to inform you about the next steps. The winners of the award will receive prizes up to €1000.

Read the Extension Award for Documentation Announcement from 29 August 2021.

How to Get Nominated

Only extensions that meet the criteria can be nominated. You can find a list of the extensions that meet the criteria and qualify for nomination on the Extension Award page.

The nomination period starts October 20, 2021 and will be open until November 10, 2021. During the nomination period, extensions can be nominated on extensions.typo3.org by clicking the nominate button (on the single view of the extension).

Nomination means: “I think the documentation for this extension deserves an award”

For a final decision, a voting phase will start after the nomination period has ended. Only nominated extensions will be considered.

Important: Be discerning. We’re looking for quality over quantity here. Carefully consider which extensions have exceptional documentation. If one of them is yours, even better.

Please use this award as motivation to get your extension ready for TYPO3 v11 and improve your documentation (if necessary).

You've Got to Be in It to Win It

Check the Extension Award page for regular updates.

We wish you all good luck and thank you for sharing your extension with the TYPO3 community! When every extension has great documentation, everybody wins!

We would like to thank Thomas Löffler for making this possible and Volker Graubaum for inspiration and ideas.

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