Extension Award for Documentation

Photo: Pexels / Pixabay.com
The Extension Award for Documentation for TYPO3 11 LTS starts in October 2021. Get your extension ready and join.

Extensions play an important role for the success of TYPO3. Documentation plays an important role for the success of an extension.

To give more attention to extension documentation we are launching a new award this year, starting shortly after the release of TYPO3 v11 LTS.

The Extension Award for Documentation will highlight outstanding documentation. It will also be an incentive to get extensions ready for TYPO3 v11 and vamp up the documentation.

But—most of all—it will be a fun and motivating event that inspires everyone to contribute.

Participation Criteria

We start in October 2021, shortly after the release of TYPO3 v11 LTS. Any TYPO3 extension can participate if it meets the following criteria.

The extension must

  • Be listed on extensions.typo3.org
  • Support TYPO3 v11
  • Support installation with Composer (and have a valid composer.json file)
  • Be well documented
  • Link to the documentation from extensions.typo3.org. (This will happen automatically if rendering on docs.typo3.org is triggered via the new rendering mechanism.)

More information with details about the procedure will follow. Nomination will start October 6 and the voting is planned for November. We expect to announce the winners in December.

What You Can Do Now

  • Improve the description in your extension.
  • Improve your extension documentation.
  • Get your extension ready for TYPO3 v11.
  • Check your composer.json.
  • (optional) Make it easier to contribute to the documentation, e.g. by adding an “Edit on GitHub” button.

What You Can Win

We are giving away more than just a coffee mug. The awards are as follows:

  • First prize: €1000
  • Second prize: €500
  • Third prize: €250

The prize will go to the owner of the extension on extensions.typo3.org.

More Information

You will find more information on typo3.org in the coming weeks. If you have questions, feel free to contact @sybille on TYPO3 Slack.

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