What’s on the to-do list?
Simple: we’re going to spring clean the bugtracker for the Extbase and Fluid projects. This time we won’t be working on new features or current tasks. The - very optimistic - plan is to go through the pending tickets from old to new and decide what to do for each issue and then we get it done - no more questions asked, no excuses.
If the described issue is still an issue, it will get fixed or else the ticket will be closed. This does not apply to feature requests, of course. They will be sorted by relevancy and overall sense. This way we might end up with a clean bugtracker containing only valid and current issues and we’ll only have valid patches in the review system, gerrit. Ideally there will be no open bug reports left.
This is a huge task, and we welcome every helping hand, on-site as well as remote, for the whole three days or even for a few hours. There will be a high amount of tickets to look at and reviews to do. So as a a result we’ll need even more anti-stress food than for the average code sprint, because working on dusty old tickets will not be half as much fun as developing exiting new features. But imagine the guilt free development days ahead when we don’t have to worry about the dust growing over the half-forgotten issues lingering in the attic. Claus Due is sponsoring the sweets again and helping us to fend off low sugar syndrome. Again thank you for your support, Claus.
So what’s left?
Beer, Club Mate, two breakfasts, two dinners, (paid) work time for participants, travel costs and accommodation.As usual, if you want to participate in or sponsor the code sprint, drop a line to Felix or Anja. A tweet mentioning @extbase or an entry in the wiki page will do the trick as well. We’ll take care of all the negotiations, so you can sit back and wait for the bill to be paid.
As the theme of this code sprint serves a very basic goal, we welcome everybody who has basic knowledge about the TYPO3 contribution workflow and a working test environment on a computer. Even if not every git commands come to you straight away, that’s still no reason to stay away. But you should know how to handle your IDE and your other tools of choice. The maximum amount of people on-site at one time is limited to 15 people, though. Just ask if you want to come over.
For the members of Extbase team, accommodation and travel costs can be paid from the TYPO3 Association budget. Sponsors are welcome anyway. The overnight stay is organised centrally, but each participant will have to take care of their travel by themselves. So make a note in the wiki, what nights you need a bed for. If you are listed there by April 10, consider your room booked.
wiki: <link http: wiki.typo3.org ecs13m _blank>wiki.typo3.org/ECS13M
hashtag: #ECS13M