Christian Müller is community contact for the TYPO3 Neos team and an active evangelist. In this article Christian explains how we can evangelise TYPO3 and spread the word.
I am very interested what <link http:>Andy Grunwalds community metrics project reveals about TYPO3. One thing I am pretty sure off is that a graph displaying the location of TYPO3 contributors will show that these contributors are largely to be found in Europe, to be more precise in Germany. A lot of communication is happening in German excluding this information for community members outside of the German speaking countries.
My wish is to change this and to grow our community all over the world. Communicating in English is a question of repeating this message and staying consistent at that, but is nothing I can directly influence. But what I and in fact we all can do is spread the word about TYPO3. And by this I don't mean to potential clients but mainly to potential contributors. Fellow developers that might not know about the TYPO3 community, the ecosystem and all our products should be able to join in the discussion on various levels.
There are many events around programming languages, content management and Open Source and there are a lot of opportunities to show up at events where we have not been previously. You can submit papers to these conferences, barcamps and other events you might think have potential contributors as their attendees. The topic might just be a side topic involving TYPO3 in some way, as long as you get to spread the word on TYPO3 and the many aspects of community involvement. Another way to spread the word about TYPO3 is to hold presentations or guest lectures at Universities or technical schools. The possibilities are endless... Evangelism is not only a developers thing by the way. Talking about the importance of documentation, user experience or design or any other aspect of the ecosystem are just as important and relevant.
For TYPO3 evangelism and outreach purposes I applied for a budget to cover traveling and accommodation to enable people to participate in the earlier mentioned events. Sometimes employers cover these costs, but in case you want to attend and do not have a budget at your disposal then there is this budget. The budget is not that big, still it can make the difference between going or not going. So if you have the opportunity to talk about TYPO3 somewhere and need help covering the cost, please drop me a line. The two major requirements are:
- the talk/workshop/session is about something involving TYPO3 and it is not company „marketing“
- The event is not a TYPO3 event (like a T3Camp, T3CON, T3DD)
As always exceptions to the rules might be possible, so if you think you absolutely should present at a TYPO3 event, lets talk about it.
Lets work on getting TYPO3 presence at some nice events!
You are welcome to contact me for any questions: <link>