Created by Christian Jul Jensen
On September 8-10 the first annual TYPO3 conference for professionals, known as TYCON3, was held in Karlsruhe.
Thursday was a day of tutorials within different aspects of working with TYPO3. From an introduction for people without any prior TYPO3 knowledge, over walk-throughs of popular extensions like the news system (tt_news) and the TemplaVoila templating engine to insights of creating modern XHTML and CSS based websites with TYPO3, the tutorials had something to offer for most people.
In his keynote Kasper Skårhøj, founder of the TYPO3 project and Chief Developer, kicked off the actual conference on friday morning. Giving a very visual message of getting into the work outfit and taking part in the ongoing effort to keep TYPO3 at the cutting edge of content management, he explained that the continued succes for the project requires hard work. With a very personal approach to the mission and values of the project, he encouraged the conference participants, as well as the whole community, to follow the project vision: "Inspiring People To Share", and take part in work.
During friday and saturday a variety of talks, covering both technical as well as strategy and community related issues kept the attendees busy and gave inspiration to new ideas. And also fueled discussions on various topics during the conference dinner and the breaks outside of the Queens Hotel in the beautiful and hot indian summer of southern Germany.
All in all 231 people experienced the special TYPO3 community atmosphere, and as new faces blended in with the ones of the veterans, new contacts and friendships was made across of experience, nationalities and project interests.
The great work of Juergen Egeling and his team, resulted in a succesful conference, that gives the expectation that it is to be followed by many great ones in the years to come.
Thanks to everybody who made it to Karlsruhe, and by their attendence contributed to the succes, and a special appreciation to those that worked hard before and during the conference to make it possible.