With the TYPO3 conference in sight and all TYPO3camps going on Thomas Löffler gives a great insight in the kind of TYPO3 events we have.
It is hard to believe, but there was a time when there were no TYPO3camps and for that matter no code sprints. The TYPO3 community has grown so enormously these past years and the number of events has grown with it. Sometimes it is not easy to estimate what event is for you.
<link http: buzz.typo3.org people thomas-loeffler article why-you-have-to-attend-a-typo3camp>
Our very own TYPO3 addict Thomas writes on BUZZ about the great range of TYPO3 events and he distinguishes between 4 kinds. We have 3 officials ones and a separate class are the huge number of TYPO3camps.
- TYPO3 conference
- Snowboard Tour
- Developer Days
- TYPO3 camps
In '
<link http: buzz.typo3.org people thomas-loeffler article why-you-have-to-attend-a-typo3camp>Why you have to attend a TYPO3camp' he explains the differences between these events and also goes into the specifics of the barcamp style of the TYPO3camps.
Thomas concludes the article with:
The very good thing in the TYPO3 community is the way we handle each other. If you are new to the community you get a warm and nice take-up. You can get in touch with everyone and have nice talks about TYPO3 and other stuff. For the people who are in the community even longer, every event is like a family reunion. Hugging and familiar greetings are the normal way.
Check out the many events in the event section on typo3.org: <link http: typo3.org events>