The TYPO3 Core Team and the TYPO3 Community are proud to announce TYPO3 version 4.6 --rebase. This release paves the way for a cleaner CMS, based on stable and proven technologies. As always, backward compatibility has remained an important requirement but for the first time, long-announced deprecated code has been removed, laying a fresh road for future enhancements.

The most important innovations at a glance:
- Reworked localization mechanism
- New Form content element
- Enhanced security and performance
TYPO3 version 4.6 --rebase in detail:
TYPO3 is used for a great variety of websites ranging from the smallest private homepage up to large multi-server, multi-language enterprise portals. Upgrading for everyone is easy, since the development team focused on maximum backwards compatibility with older releases.
However, before planning the upgrade, you should make sure:
- PHP 5.3 is available on your server (more information in the technical documentation)
- None of your editors rely on Internet Explorer 6 to access the Backend as support for this old browser has been dropped.
Reworked localization mechanism
TYPO3 4.6 is using a new, standardized, localization format named XLIFF, which allows TYPO3 to be localized much more easily than before. Our new Translation Server available at <link http: _blank> lets anyone suggest better texts and make them available not only for TYPO3 4.6 but for older versions of TYPO3 as well.
In addition to the new localization files, TYPO3 4.6 comes with a clever fallback mechanism when a label is not found in the requested language. Instead of returning the default (English) version, it allows you to define your own hierarchy of locales. By default, French (Canada) will first use French before falling back to English and the same applies for Brazilian Portuguese, which will first try to return Portuguese labels before the English ones. But the most interesting part is that this feature also accomodates completely custom fallbacks, such as a swiss multilingual governmental website configured to have French, followed by German and only using English as a final option.
New Form content element
An ExtJS-based wizard allows editors to construct forms very efficiently with intuitive drag and drop functionality. While working in the wizard, the editor sees the form exactly as it will be displayed in the website. No doubt that creating astonishing contact or question forms with validation rules (email, number only, ...) is now a task everyone will enjoy.
Enhanced security and performance
Our security specialists worked hard to make sure new TYPO3 installations are automatically configured with the highest possible level of security. If necessary server requirements are met, passwords will be salted before getting hashed to MD5 and login forms will rely on the public/private key encryption mechanism to strengthen the security.
Users upgrading to TYPO3 4.6 will be guided with wizards and reports to help them getting the same level of protection.
Thanks to a largely reworked and optimized Caching Framework, performance is even better than before. Furthermore, both the Backend and the Frontend take advantage of a new built-in JavaScript and CSS optimizer which reduces the number of requests to the server by up to 66%.
Download TYPO3 Version 4.6 now!
TYPO3 Version 4.6 --rebase can be downloaded directly from<link http: download _blank> Technical documentation and the detailed release notes can be found at <link http: download release-notes typo3-46 _blank>
TYPO3 – The Enterprise CMS
TYPO3 is an Open Source Enterprise Web Content Management System released under the GPL. It currently runs more than 500,000 websites worldwide. The application has been translated into 42 languages and is being actively developed by a community of developers from over 60 countries. Some of its end users include Lufthansa, Daimler, Cisco Systems, General Electric, the United Nations and Harvard University, as well as numerous other companies, universities, government agencies and non-profit organizations.
For additional information about TYPO3, please visit <link http: _blank>