TYPO3 v11 Codesprint Report

Illustration: The Coding Night during TYPO3 Developer Days in 2019.
The TYPO3 Core Team Codesprint held on 12–14 August, 2021 was a big success. Here is a wrap-up of what happened during this hackathon, and what we achieved.
  • 35 attendees from 6 countries (Poland, Germany, Denmark, India, Netherlands, and Switzerland)
  • For 10 people, it was their first time attending a TYPO3 codesprint, and they managed to push their first patch to the Core. Congratulations on your Open Source contributions! 
  • Almost 100 patches (including backports) were merged during the sprint days.

Roundup of Achievements

A lot of work was done during this hackathon, in multiple areas of the Core. Here are a few of the many highlights:

Backend UI

Several backend user interface (UI) improvements and fixes were prepared during the sprint. Some are still waiting for a final review. These include: 

Form Framework

Work started on the Wednesday ahead of the sprint. This work was designed as a maintenance sprint, with 53 tasks and bugs on the board.

This taskforce comprised 6 people from TRITUM plus Mathias Brodala. The focus was on caching of forms, which is a prerequisite for further bug fixes and features, including:

In addition, the documentation was extended with content often requested by the community (resulting from our regular screening of the #ext-form channel on Slack).

The form manager was visually reworked and adapted to the general look and feel of v11. The team worked on numerous bugs and performed cleanup tasks, including removing deprecated mixins. They also made minor visual improvements in the UI and resolved inconsistencies in the UX.

Leading up to the v11 LTS release, the team is still working on other issues:

  • Merging reviews regarding caching
  • UI/ UX improvements for the backend
  • Moving all CSS classes to YAML (consistency)
  • Change to Bootstrap 5 in the frontend
  • Optimization of the frontend templates regarding accessibility

Testing & CI

  • Performance improvements to Core CI tests
  • Huge work of making all unit tests declare(strict_types=1)
  • New Acceptance tests were added (Template module, Import Export module, …)

Import-Export Module

This module got a big refactoring and test coverage. This patch is a base for further improvements.

Bootstrap Package and Introduction Package

Benjamin Kott released a TYPO3 v11 compatible version of the Bootstrap package.

Lina Wolf is preparing a v11 compatible Introduction Package, which should be released soon.


Lina Wolf did work on adding more automatic screenshots for the TYPO3 documentation. 

10 more patches were pushed to TYPO3 documentation.


Thank Yous

Multiple core mergers joined the sprint coding, doing reviews and helping out, including:

  • Oliver Bartsch
  • Claus Due
  • Oliver Hader
  • Christian Kuhn
  • Benni Mack
  • Lina Wolf
  • Ralf Zimmermann

Thanks to the companies who sponsored the time of their developers so they could attend the sprint:

  • Macopedia.com: 6 people
  • TRITUM: 6 people
  • Web Commerce GmbH: 2 people
  • In2code: 2 people
  • B13:- 2 people
  • Hauptsache.net: 2 people
  • NamelessCoder: 1
  • Sitegeist: 1
  • Beech: 1
  • Buechler.pro: 1

Thanks to Macopedia.com for organizing the sprint and ongoing support for the TYPO3 community.

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