Few people are aware of the TYPO3 IRC channel on freenode.net. Channel #typo3 is frequented by some very knowledgeable TYPO3 users and developers, and is an excellent resource for the TYPO3 community.
A bot has now been created as a permanent point of contact for the most commonly asked TYPO3 questions, which simply means that you can type in a command and it will "answer" with related information.
Number-5 is proud to introduce himself as an IRC bot that will live at freenode.net channel #typo3. Number-5, as he likes to be called, was created to help the supporter in the channel find and echo information without the need to reference documentation (TSRef, TSConfig, etc...).
This makes for a very simple and convenient way to find an object or property description!
Currently, the bot has been fed with more than 360 items, but you can expect much more in the future; Number-5 is hungry for information and can be fed directly from the IRC channel with a simple sequence of commands through a system called WikIRC.
All items are stored under a specific category and can be searched and retrieved through several commands. For example, !tsref stdwrap will provide information about standard wrap in TSref; and !search menu will search for all keywords that contain the word menu. Use !h for a descriptive help list of all available commands.
Number-5 is currently in beta status and under intensive development. Please visit #typo3 on irc.freenode.net to test our bot, and/or for assistance with other TYPO3 related topics. Furthermore, we would like to thank the following people:
- Ries (Ries) van Twisk - Ries wrote the bot and developed a management extension which will soon be released to the public.
- Jesús (Cy) Hormigo - Jesus filled in most of the keywords and conducted extensive testing.
- Antonio (awillys) - Antonio conducted extensive testing on the test channel, found errors and made system enhancement suggestions.
- Sebastian (sebkur) Kurfürst - Sebastian provided suggestions for the bot and a helpful hand on #typo3.
- All users on #typo3 who have supported us with ideas and tips!
These people made it possible to take Number-5 from idea to beta within a week!
The folks from #typo3 look forward to seeing you on our channel <link irc: irc.freenode.net typo3>irc://irc.freenode.net/typo3!
For more information on IRC and how it can be used please visit <link http: en.wikipedia.org wiki internet_relay_chat>
For more information on irc.freenode.net please visit <link http: freenode.net>