TYPO3 Education Committee—TCCE Certification Team Update

Categories: Community, Education & Certification Created by Lennart Ruschlau
Photo: Vasily Koloda / Unsplash
At the Education Team Sprint in Düsseldorf in April 2022, we welcomed a fresh group of contributors. The TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor (TCCE) team jumped into v10 Q&A, changes with TYPO3 Version 11, and general thoughts on how to improve TCCE for future editors.

Meet & Greet at TYPO3 Education Committee Sprint in Düsseldorf

In Düsseldorf, we had six motivated team members, with contributors participating online and offline. Florian Weiss from SkillDisplay, and Gernot Ploiner from WEBprofil were the seniors experienced in certification processes. We welcomed four new TCCE team members: Torben, Patryk and Melih from web-vision, and Lennart from Leuchtfeuer.

During the Team Education sprint, getting to know each other, and TYPO3 contribution sessions, we brainstormed many new ideas, expectations and suggestions for improvement.

Getting to Know Each Other and Rules of Working Together

The aforementioned expectations, ideas and suggestions were discussed during the next team meeting. We agreed to follow established Education Team workflows, communication rules and tools.

Quality Assurance TYPO3 v10 Syllabus

Starting with the groundwork, the team worked on the quality assurance for the TYPO3 v10 LTS syllabus, with each member responsible for a specific domain—we then discussed the results with the team during the next meeting.

Suggestions and Further Communication for TYPO3 v11 Syllabus

We discussed the results and agreed on the suggestions. With input from Wolfgang Wagner, the team created a domain list and a list of subjects for the TYPO3 v11 syllabus. 

We handed over the suggested list of domains and subjects to the TCCI and TCCD teams for coordination and cross-communication. A meeting with Lina Wolf (from the Documentation Team) helped add missing resources and improve existing entries.

Thus giving the team the necessary groundwork to start working on new questions and concluding the kickoff phase.

Additional contributors for this article
  • Copy Editor : Felicity Brand
  • Content Publisher : Mathias Bolt Lesniak