TYPO3 Education Committee: TCCE Certification Team Final Update

Since the Kick-Off-Phase, the TCCE Certification Team has been working on updating the skills for TYPO3 version 11. This is now officially complete.

Sprint at Web-vision in Mönchengladbach

With the syllabus being up-to-date, the documentation fixed and the NDA prepared, we agreed on a team sprint in Mönchengladbach, Germany. There, Oliver Thiele joined us to thoroughly discuss outdated, persistent and new questions. Working in teams, we managed to review and improve the question pool for the new TCCE certification.

Many thanks to Boris Hinzer and web-vision for providing the location (where we could work uninterrupted), and for providing drinks and pizza. Needless to say, we had lots of fun and everyone got to know each other a bit better. 

Language Check

As we are always looking to improve, we reviewed the grammar and spelling in the new question pool. Even though we are confident in our English skills, none of us are native speakers, so we double-checked the language with Grammarly to ensure all the questions are comprehensible. If you are reading this and think to yourself: “Hey, I’m confident in my English and would like to contribute”, please feel free to contact us or Marc Willmann via Slack to get on board. We are always looking for new contributors.

Thank You

Now that we have completed our work on the updated TCCE question pool, we would like to take a minute to present the new (and old) faces in the team and say thank you for the great time. 

We are grateful to have had Florian Weiss as team lead, who took this temporary responsibility in June 2022. He will not be taking the team lead in the next cycle due to other responsibilities. Without his efforts and organization we would not have fared this well, and we hope to get the promised drinks on another occasion. 

Torben, Melih, and Patryk will continue their contribution, and Torben hinted that he might step up to Co-team lead. It has been a pleasure working with them and we are very grateful to web-vision for granting them the time to contribute as much as they did. Also we thank web vision for the hospitality during our sprint in Mönchengladbach and all the little stuff that stays unnoticed otherwise. 

I, myself, will probably keep contributing in some form or another, and would like to say thanks to Leuchtfeuer for granting me the space and opportunity to do so. 

If you are looking for a way to contribute feel free to contact us or check out the Slack channel to get in touch.

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