TYPO3 version 6.0 beta2 was released on September 18. Of course the focus for a beta release is fully on stabilization and bug-fixing. Over a hundred patches went into the core. Unit test were stabilized for this release and the automatic test system on <link https: travis-ci.org typo3 typo3v4-core>travis-ci.org now executes more than 4200 tests for each commit. At the continuous integration code sprint in Linz from September 20 -23 further improvements have been made to this process. The introduction of namespaces is one of the biggest changes and has been further stabilized for better backwards compatibility. As might have already read previously TYPO3 CMS 6.0 will have a new extension manager. For this beta release a number of fixes were done the the new extension manager. The release of TYPO3 6.0 has been postponed for 4 weeks. There are still some vital issues to fix that prevent the release team from releasing earlier.- Release of TYPO3 6.0RC1: November, 6th
- Release of TYPO3 6.0 final: November, 27th
News item: <link news article release-of-typo3-version-60-beta2>typo3.org/news/article/release-of-typo3-version-60-beta2/
Continuous Integration
We kind of lose track of the number of code sprints. Quality Assurance and Continuous Integration is hot. One of the goals of the code sprint in Linz, end of September, was to extend the QA / CI infrastructure and to improve the automated Quality Assurance work-flow. The participants of the sprint and the community collected goals and ideas to deal with these topics that are usable throughout the TYPO3 Community also in the FLOW and NEOS projects. News item: <link news article typo3-qa-code-sprint-linz-2012>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-qa-code-sprint-linz-2012/
QA-CI code sprint team Linz
TYPO3 Flow and Neos
It is great to deal with the new names in this community report. Neos, is the greek word for new, fresh, revolutionary, uncommon and as such very fitting for the new CMS. Main event for the month of September regarding Neos was the code sprint. More on that in the next paragraph. Among the many great features of Neos the wireframe mode really stands out. The wireframe mode allows you to start working on content before your have a design (not to mention template) ready. This feature sounds like a game changer. All eyes and hands being on Neos there was not that much development going on in TYPO3 Flow. Nonetheless a huge feature, Composer, was integrated into TYPO3 Flow, bringing the next release to TYPO3 Flow 2.0. Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. Composer is not a package manager. It deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-project basis, installing them in a directory inside your project. There are already tons of packages around on packagist.org to be used with TYPO3 Flow. News item: <link news article typo3-neos-and-flow-september-2012>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-neos-and-flow-september-2012/Neos test package: <link http: neos.typo3.org download.html>neos.typo3.org/download.html
Code sprints and TYPO3camps
Code sprint Copenhagen
In the beginning of September a big code sprint was held for the release TYPO3 Neos. At the code sprint TYPO3 Neos was still called Phoenix. The goal of the sprint was to create a first alpha version of the new CMS to be presented at the TYPO3 conference in Stuttgart, beginning of October. The code sprint meant huge progress in our codebase and functionality. TYPO3 Neos presents a powerful combination between the CMS and the FLOW framework, where FLOW applications seamlessly integrate with the CMS. A team of around 15 participants hacked away for about one week to ensure the release of the first alpha version of NEOS. While spirits were high the whole week, the measurement of confidence in being able to finish what had planned fluctuated between 0 and 100 per cent multiple times. Almost everyone from the team contributed to a huge amount of changes - small and big - during and after the code sprint, enhancing the user interface. From flyout menus to default styles, button colors to form layout – the team pushed consistency as far as possible.
TYPO3 Neos code sprint team Copenhagen
TYPO3camp Mallorca

News-item: <link news article typo3camp-mallorca>typo3.org/news/article/typo3camp-mallorca/
EAB / BCC positions
Georg Ringer in the Business Control Committee (BCC) left his position to take over leadership of the Security Team. His successor will be Andreas Otto. Patrick Lobacher in the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) left his position and will be succeeded by Eike Diestelkamp.Coming events
TYPO3camp Regensburg
After the successful TYPO3camps in Hamburg, München, Potsdam, Berlin, Stuttgart and Mallorca, the firs TYPO3camp will be organised in Regensburg from October 26–28. Website: <link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>www.typo3camp-regensburg.de
TYPO3congres Netherlands
The Dutch TYPO3 event for editors, webmasters and users is planned for November 6th. Leading speakers from Logica, Dutch municipalities and a broadcaster are on the program. Website: <link http: www.typo3congres.nl>www.typo3congres.nlTYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr
Also for the first time this year the TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr will be organised from November 9-11 in the Unperfekt Haus in Essen. Participants to the typo3.org relaunch of last year will distinctly remember this perfect environment. Website: <link http: typo3camp-rheinruhr.mixxt.de>typo3camp-rheinruhr.mixxt.de