A Brand New way
TYPO3 community members and the TYPO3 marketing team introduced a so-called "umbrella" brand to bring together our current product range. TYPO3 is a strong brand, and the TYPO3 community is proud of it. The name "TYPO3" will be part of all products that will be released in the near future. FLOW3 is now called "TYPO3 Flow", TYPO3 (the CMS, v4/v6) is now called "TYPO3 CMS" and our next generation CMS, still in development is called TYPO3 Neos. All logo's are available in the typo3.org style guide <link>downloads section.
TYPO3 Conference Stuttgart (October 4 - 6)
This year's TYPO3 conference took place in the Filderhalle in Stuttgart featured 60 sessions and workshops from four topic tracks. The keynote ended to huge applause, leaving everybody excited about the changes, innovations and achievements which have been reached within one year. Right away the main conference started, offering a wide range of nearly 60 sessions and workshops from the four major topic tracks Community and TYPO3 Association, Integration, Developments, Concepts and Projects. News-item: <link news article t3con12de-community-the-typo3-family-and-neos>typo3.org/news/article/t3con12de-community-the-typo3-family-and-neos/TYPO3 Neos
The Neos development team has been working around the clock to get the first release of this next-generation CMS out in time for the conference. Robert Lemke, chief-developer, presented Neos in his keynote at the TYPO3 conference in Stuttgart. TYPO3 Neos is not just another CMS. The TYPO3 Community has created it based on previous experiences. All knowledge accumulated over the last 15 years goes into this product. A download of this first version is available. Website: <link http: neos.typo3.org>neos.typo3.orgDownload: <link http: neos.typo3.org download.html>neos.typo3.org/download.html

Budget Applications for 2013 published
This year's budget applications have been put online by the Expert Advisory Board. Each budget has it's own discussion board where community members can leave input. Negotiation & finalization of the budget will be in Janauari of 2013 followed by presentation and publication of the budget, the month after, at the General assembly of the TYPO3 Association in Basel, Switzerland. Budget applications 2013: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects t3a-eab-budget2013 boards>forge.typo3.org/projects/t3a-eab-budget2013/boardsTYPO3 CMS 6.0
The release candidates and the final release for TYPO3 CMS 6.0 where postponed for about one month in the beginning of October to ensure the stability and quality of the final release. There were no further beta releases during the month of October. News item: <link news article typo3-60-back-to-the-future>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-60-back-to-the-future/News item: <link news article new-release-schedule-for-typo3-cms-60>typo3.org/news/article/new-release-schedule-for-typo3-cms-60/

TYPO3 Flow and Neos
After the release frenzy of TYPO3 Neos Alpha and it's presentation on the TYPO3 conference things slowed down a bit in October. Robert presented Neos during the keynote and the team set up a booth where the conference visitors could experience Neos first hand and ask the team about the new release. An alpha 2 is in the works, but no release date is secured yet. The most obvious change done to FLOW3 during October was to rename FLOW3 to Flow in the code itself and publishing an upgrade guide from FLOW3 to TYPO3 Flow. News item: <link news article typo3-neos-and-flow-october-2012>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-neos-and-flow-october-2012/Neos test package: <link http: neos.typo3.org download.html>neos.typo3.org/download.html

Code sprints, TYPO3camps and meetings
Marketing Meeting (October 17)
The marketing team held an online meeting where they , amongst others, the organisation of marketing sprint next year where representatives from other teams and interested community members will be asked to join in. Whether or not such a sprint happens depends on the amount of budget the team will receive, if at all. One of the other important issues raised in the meeting was setting up a procedure that leads to a consolidated Marketing Strategy Concept for the next 2-3 years covering the whole TYPO3 Ecosystem. News-item: <link news article marketing-meeting-october-17-2012>typo3.org/news/article/marketing-meeting-october-17-2012/Project page: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects team-marketing-public>forge.typo3.org/projects/team-marketing-public/
TYPO3camp Regensburg (October 26 -28)
For Regensburg it was the very first TYPO3camp. There is a steady increase of TYPO3camp's, which is a good indicator for TYPO3 community activity. This TYPO3camp featured some sessions about current topics like Neos installation and how to build a Neos plug-in. The introduction to TYPO3 CMS 6.0 was done as a major presentation without any parallel sessions. Oliver Hader, core development team leader, showed the major changes. News-item: <link news article typo3camp-regensburg>typo3.org/news/article/typo3camp-regensburg/
Upcoming events
typo3.org code sprint (December 6 -9)
Our information hub, typo3.org, still has bugs that need to be fixed, features that need to be implemented and there is content that should be written, rewritten and/or repositioned. A fourth code sprint will be hed in Wiesbaden from december 6 - 9. The main topics the sprint will address are: Login, Server Load, Documentation, Deployment, TER and Profesional Services Listing. Coffee, Beer and one round of pizza is sponsored. Who is up for sponsoring refreshments and some food for the dev's? <link>Send an email to the t3o sprint! News-item: <link news article fourth-typo3org-sprint-in-wiesbaden>typo3.org/news/article/fourth-typo3org-sprint-in-wiesbaden/Snowboard Tour 2013 (Februari 15 - 22)

News-item: <link news article t3board13-registration-starts-on-monday-october-8th-2012-1000-am-cest>typo3.org/news/article/t3board13-registration-starts-on-monday-october-8th-2012-1000-am-cest/ Check out the events section on the <link>typo3.org homepage to find an event in your area.