Introducing a Long Term Support version was, in retrospective, a very good idea and there are many reasons why the TYPO3 community benefits from that. <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-version-45-your-long-term-solution>TYPO3 CMS 4.5 LTS was released on January 26, 2011. Many companies still stick to that version as an LTS version has a longer maintenance period. An LTS version is supported for 3 years (12 months having all bugs fixed, 24 months having security and priority bugfixes applied). LTS versions overlap for 1 year which gives users enough time for migration. One of the release managers of the previous LTS version, Ernesto Baschny, is back on the job to deliver the upcoming LTS version, scheduled for October 29 of this year.
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-62-lts-alpha1-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-62-lts-alpha1-released/
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-62-lts-alpha2-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-62-lts-alpha2-released/
TYPO3 Flow
On the road to the Flow 2.0 release a number of beta’s have been released in May and June before the ‘now’ final release. Many of the team members are involved in other projects so the bug fixing and review process was quite slow and there were some quite significant bugs that needed fixing before a stable release could be done. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-flow-20-beta-3-has-been-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-flow-20-beta-3-has-been-released/TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos is our next generation CMS. Technically a lot of work has been done in the past years, including the PHP framework Flow. Now it is time to improve the overall user experience of Neos and the actual interface of the backend. <link http: rasmusskjoldan.com>Rasmus Skjoldan who is brand manager for the TYPO3 project is now heavily involved in putting all this technology in a usable form. In doing this he is also consulting with a lot of outside experts in the User eXperience field. In general it’s a huge challenge for all WCM systems at the moment to embrace all the change we’re facing because of multi-channel content delivery & authoring - and the increasingly different demands of different client types. Rasmus writes a lot about his work on his <link http: rasmusskjoldan.com>blog. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article putting-neos-technology-into-usable-form>typo3.org/news/article/putting-neos-technology-into-usable-form/Google Summer of Code
This year we have five student projects in the Google Summer of Code. The students had started to work on their tasks mid of June. Some did even start before this official date. Now, after we tackled some communication issues all students are on track and working hard. In the upcoming mid-term evaluation end of july the mentors decide if everything is fine and the student shall continue working on his project or not.
WIKI: <link http: wiki.typo3.org gsoc2013>wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2013
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-accepted-for-google-summer-of-code-2013>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-accepted-for-google-summer-of-code-2013/
North American TYPO3 conference (May 30-31, San Francisco)
This year’s North American TYPO3 conference brought some people from outside of the TYPO3 community with presentations about community related matters with Carol Smith (Google), Jerry Gordinier (Atlassian) and Jono Bacon (Ubuntu). The different TYPO3 projects were well represented at the conference. Benni Mack and Steffen Ritter represented TYPO3 CMS and Karsten Dambekalns, Robert Lemke and Christian Müller were there for TYPO3 Flow and Neos. Website:<link http: t3con-na.typo3.org> t3con-na.typo3.orgT3UNI (June 24-27, Annecy, France)
The yearly French TYPO3 event, T3UNI, was about discovering Neos. Core team member Christian Müller was present at the event to update the attendants on progress with Neos. T3UNI featured a lot of presentations amongst others about fluid / fedext, TYPO3.Bootstrap package, site factory, SEO, RTE configuration, PHP, Flow and the future of CMS's.
TYPO3camp Berlin (May 10-12)
160 TYPO3 enthusiasts from all parts of the country gathered in Germany's capital for the 3rd TYPO3camp Berlin. There were 32 interesting sessions and an attractive overall program. The 2013 TYPO3camp Berlin was closed with a giveaway for the speakers and a contest for the best session of the weekend which was voted to be the ridiculously funny workshop "Bavarian for beginner" by TYPO3 core team lead Oliver Hader and Design team leader Robert Zierhofer. That brought the guys the TYPO3camp cup, that will be present at all TYPO3camps. You can find all TYPO3camp locations and winners on this website dedicated to the cup. <link http: www.typo3-wanderpokal.de>www.typo3-wanderpokal.de Website: <link http: www.typo3camp-berlin.de>www.typo3camp-berlin.deNews-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3camp-berlin-1>typo3.org/news/article/typo3camp-berlin-1/
TYPO3camp Stuttgart (May 23-25)
200 TYPO3 enthusiasts came together in the Schloss der Universität Hohenheim. The location was kindly provided again by the university. The program varied a lot from Zen-IT, to contributing to TYPO3 to news from the current TYPO3 CMS release team. The cup that was introduced at the TYPO3camp in Berlin was won by Sebastian Helzle and Daniel Lienert for their talk on their gallery extension Yet Another Gallery YAG. We will be the next winner of the cup at the TYPO3 camp Hamburg from August 2 - August 4? Check <link http: www.typo3-wanderpokal.de>www.typo3-wanderpokal.de for the status of the cup. Website: <link http: www.typo3camp-stuttgart.de>www.typo3camp-stuttgart.de Article (german): <link https: jweiland.net aktuell artikel jweilandnet-auf-dem-typo3camp-stuttgart-2013.html>jweiland.net/aktuell/artikel/jweilandnet-auf-dem-typo3camp-stuttgart-2013.htmlComing events
European TYPO3 conference (October 29-31, Stuttgart)
The European TYPO3 conference for 2013 will have more focus on business and companies. For the first time we offer the possibility to order one-day tickets. Each day will be dedicated to a special theme and each day will also have talks focused on TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos. One slot per day will be dedicated to the following four subjects: General, Technical, CMS and Neos. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article european-typo3-conference-2013>typo3.org/news/article/european-typo3-conference-2013/TYPO3 East Europe (14-16 November, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the heart of Transylvania)
TYPO3 East Europe is the first international event taking place in the eastern part of our continent, aiming to bring together and create stronger ties between the Western and the Eastern TYPO3 communities, developers and agencies. More info on the event will be released soon.
- <link http: typo3camp.mixxt.de>TYPO3 Camp Hamburg (2 - 4 August 2013)
- <link http: www.typo3camp-munich.de>TYPO3 Camp München (6 - 8 September 2013)
- <link http: www.typo3camp-mallorca.org>TYPO3 Camp Mallorca (20 - 22 September 2013)
- <link http: typo3camp.pl en>TYPO3 Camp Poland (18 - 19 October 2013)
- <link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>TYPO3 Camp Regensburg (25 - 27 October 2013)
- <link http: typo3camp-rheinruhr.mixxt.de>TYPO3 Camp RheinRuhr (9 - 10 November 2013)
Check out the events section on the typo3.org homepage to find an event in your area. You are encouraged to send a summary of your coming TYPO3camp or other related TYPO3 event in english to <link>ben.vantende@typo3.org or send a summary how the event was. The TYPO3 community would like to hear from you!