TYPO3 version 6.0
Development of TYPO3 version 6 is at a high pace. The team release alpha2 in June. The number of features added since the last alpha is relatively low. A lot of new features are currently in development and not ready yet to be included in this release. Although this is still an alpha version, we would like to encourage you to test it. Every release comes with an Introduction Package, which makes it very easy to install and test the release.
News item: <link news article typo3-60-back-to-the-future western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-60-back-to-the-future/
News item: <link news article typo3-60-alpha2-released western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-60-alpha2-released/
FLOW3 and Phoenix
FLOW3 saw two releases in June ans Phoenix had sprint release 8. Two new team members were added to the team.
A sprint release was done in June and a <link http: phoenix.typo3.org>dedicated website for TYPO3 Phoenix was set up including documentation on Phoenix. In the coming months semantic capabilities will be added to TYPO3 Phoenix. This work is fully sponsored by the <link typo3.org news article typo3-phoenix-becomes-iks-early-adaptor western>IKS project.
Work on package management for FLOW3 is still continuing. The <link http: flow3.typo3.org documentation guide.html _blank western>documentation for FLOW3 was updated with new chapters, tweaks and fixes throughout the month by a number of people. It includes some new chapters and a validator reference now. New members, Ryan and Jacob from the US, will be proofreading and tweaking the documentation.
Robert Lemke attended several conferences in the month of June to spread the word on FLOW3 and Phoenix.
News item: <link news article typo3-phoenix-and-flow3-june-2012 western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-phoenix-and-flow3-june-2012/
Phoenix test environment: <link http: integration.phoenix.typo3.robertlemke.net:8080 western>integration.phoenix.typo3.robertlemke.net
Save the Date for Your Budget Application
The Expert Advisory Board has announced the TYPO3 Association's call for budget applications. You are invited to submit your budget request from August 1 until August 31. The new budget process will have a clear focus on “enabling the community”. The current budget owners will answer question during T3CON12 Stuttgart and members are asked to prioritise the incoming budget requests in the second half of November.
News item: <link news article save-the-date-for-your-budget-application western>typo3.org/news/article/save-the-date-for-your-budget-application/
What the hearts beat for
Rasmus Skoldjan, our brand manager, has published a interesting article on the branding work going on in the TYPO3 community.
“More than a decade of our shared endeavour of building TYPO3 has shown a multitude of opinions about what TYPO3 essentially is about. While it’s clear that there is a positive dynamic to the fact that many people think and say many different things about TYPO3, it also poses great challenges to the people communicating about TYPO3. This is all a quite natural side to any open source project.”
Please read the whole article to get a good impression of what TYPO3 is all about and how you can communicate TYPO3.
News item: <link news article what-the-hearts-beat-for western>typo3.org/news/article/what-the-hearts-beat-for/
Code sprints
Code sprints are by far the most fun and productive way to get things done for our project. The first code sprint “Refactoring the TYPO3 Bootstrap” was done last month with as general goals:
- Reduce complexity of different scope initializations (can be tested, is understandable, is consistent)
- Create discrete steps (initialization of configuration, extension settings and basic environments)
- Allow transparent caching of configurations
- Define strict meaning of "configuration"
- Remove amount of different entry point
and we have plenty of code sprints coming up.
Code sprint bootstrap: <link news article the-first-code-sprint-refactoring-the-typo3-boostrap western>typo3.org/news/article/the-first-code-sprint-refactoring-the-typo3-boostrap/
A usability code sprint was held in Frankfurt from July 5th – 8th and the extbase and Fluid code sprint is upcoming from July 19th – 22th.
Code sprint Freiburg: <link news article typo3-code-sprint-in-freiburg-germany-in-july-2012 western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-code-sprint-in-freiburg-germany-in-july-2012/
There will be two more V6 code sprints in August and September.
News item: <link news article code-sprints-for-typo3-60 western>typo3.org/news/article/code-sprints-for-typo3-60/
Phoenix code sprint
T3CON12 ASIA – August 17-19, Pnom Penh, Cambodia
The call for papers for the first TYPO3 Asian conference has closed and the schedule for the sessions has been published.
T3CON12 ASIA Sessions: <link http: t3con12-asia.typo3.org sessions western>t3con12-asia.typo3.org/sessions/
T3CON12 Germany – October 4-6, Stuttgart
The call for papers for the international TYPO3 Conference 2012 T3CON12 Germany has started and runs until the end of July. This year typo3.org members will have the possibility to vote on proposed presentations.
News-item: <link news article typo3-conference-2012-t3con12-germany-call-for-papers western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-conference-2012-t3con12-germany-call-for-papers/
Website: <link http: t3con12de.typo3.org western>t3con12de.typo3.org
Check out the events section on the typo3.org homepage to find an event in your area.
A personal note from your community manager
June 21 was pronounced TYPO3 community manager day in a sympathetic move on Twitter. I received a few large bottles of Belgian beer from Dutch community members and the FLOW3/Phoenix team. This was all quite unexpected for me and I would like to say that I really appreciate this show of support. Personal circumstances made it hard for me to do everything I wanted to do for the TYPO3 community. I will be going to the Community Leadership Summit and OSCON in Portland though, where I will meet up with a lot of my community manager colleagues from other Open Source projects and attend some interesting community presentations at OSCON. These days are always very inspiring and I hope to return with a lot of new creativity to support our great community.
In the past half year we have seen the relaunch of typo3.org. The launch was not without bugs. After the intensive time the team spent to get the launch done it was hard to find motivation to keep the same pace. Fortunately a lot of bugs, especially concerning TER are fixed now and we have an awesome search based on Apache Solr running on typo3.org. The decision to get out of the 4.x release cycle towards a release cycle, where we can show major releases by the release number, has sparked of substantial new input on different aspects of the current TYPO3. Code sprints are being organised concerning user interface, extbase and the File Abstraction Layer all geared towards the release of TYPO3 version 6, in October of this year. There are more TYPO3 camps then ever indicating the ginormous activity of the TYPO3 family.
The same kind of enthusiasm can be found on the FLOW3/Phoenix side. Quite a number of projects are already running on FLOW3 and after the release of FLOW3 1.1 the full focus of the team will shift to Phoenix, our new CMS based on FLOW3. A FLOW3/Phoenix code sprint will be held in the beginning of September in Copenhagen.
I wish everyone great holidays! Use your days to relax, recharge and have fun!!