typo3.org relaunch
The relaunch was done on April 2. There still is a lot of fine-tuning to be done. Such a big project is difficult to maintain on a voluntary basis, but everyone is doing it's best to contribute. One of the most important features that need fixing is the extension repository. We hope to be seeing a Solr implementation before the end of May to be able to search the repository on many different facets.
For the time being we implemented Uservoice as a feedback mechanism on typo3.org. Uservoice works rather well for this purpose. Several companies have taken on a Field Of Responsibility (FOR) that should guarantee continued work on typo3.org.
Developer Days
Our main community event of the year took place in Munich for the first time this year in the media-park. In total 272 people attended and the Developer Days featured 7 parallel tracks for 3 whole days.
Right before the TYPO3 Developer Days 2012 itself the traditional Core Development Team Meeting took place to discuss strategies, develop new concepts and simply code together.
FLOW3 and Phoenix where at the top of the agenda for this years Developer Days featuring many sessions, tutorials and workshops about these topics. Extbase is recognized as a key bridge between TYPO3 and FLOW3/Phoenix and is widely accepted by the community. Improvements on the work-flow between Extbase, FLOW3 and TYPO3 where done; which will further smooth the transition path to the new CMS. Especially the workshop about the Phoenix Backend Concept yielded a great idea-collection and feasible next steps. Workshops like "TYPO3 Phoenix Key Concepts", "Developing the TYPO3 Phoenix Backend Concept" or "Fluid and TypoScript Harmony: The new rendering concept of TYPO3 Phoenix" were fully crowded. The attendants started to get their hands dirty while implementing their first Phoenix based websites.
Connecting the worlds of FLOW3 and the TYPO3 CMS, the future TER project also was presented and Sebastian brushed up <link https: docs.google.com document d edit _blank western>this whitepaper for that occasion.
So now it's up to the community to keep up that momentum and go on adopting the new concepts and start projects based on them. There is a need for real life use cases to create the necessary feedback, so that the teams will be able to finish the first official release of our new CMS.
News item: <link news article impressions-of-the-developer-days-2012 western>typo3.org/news/article/impressions-of-the-developer-days-2012/
Flickr T3DD12 group: <link http: www.flickr.com groups western>www.flickr.com/groups/1909937@N20/
Release TYPO3 version 4.7
TYPO3 Version 4.7 is a big step forward to standards compliance and accessibility. Since Version 4.7 TYPO3 easily works with HTML5 and thus allows comfortable integration of recent video and audio standards. Web Accessibility is not an entirely new concept in TYPO3. The creation of accessible websites with TYPO3 was possible for quite some time already. However the necessary steps and configuration had to be completed again with each new TYPO3 installation. TYPO3 version 4.7 features accessibility out-of-the-box.
TYPO3 version 4.7 will be the last in the 4.x series. TYPO3 version 6.0 is up for release on October 27 coinciding with TYPO3camp Regensburg. That will be an awesome release party. TYPO3 version 6.0 will see a file abstraction layer, support for mobile devices, a move towards simplicity, a new way to manage extensions and much more.
News item: <link news article typo3-470-released western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-470-released/
News item: <link news article typo3-60-back-to-the-future western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-60-back-to-the-future/
FLOW3 and Phoenix
The Developer Days had quite some sessions and workshops centred around Phoenix and FLOW3 with an overwhelming positive response.
Work on Phoenix for April comprised the new TypoScript rendering, history management and link handling. The continued work on the set-up tool, currently being done, will bring us a lot closer to a smooth experience for first-time Phoenix users.
Another large change were the improvements and bug fixes for content security in FLOW3. The same goes for file-monitoring as well. Those using FLOW3 on Windows probably happiest about some changes - the use of symlinks is a real pain on Windows…
The team is working towards the release of FLOW3 1.1. to be released soon.
News item: <link news article typo3-phoenix-and-flow3-april-2012 western>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-phoenix-and-flow3-april-2012/
News item: <link news article the-phoenix-team-reports-on-the-developer-days-2012 western>typo3.org/news/article/the-phoenix-team-reports-on-the-developer-days-2012/
We had the Developer Days and the Snowboard Tour for this year, but we still have a lot of bar-camps and conferences coming up. Check out the events section on the typo3.org homepage to find an event in your area.