- Gina Steiner (GS)
- Jürgen Egeling (JE)
- Olivier Dobberkau (OD)
- Patrick Lobacher (PL)
- Ben van 't Ende (BE)
- Frederik Gaus (FG)
- Robert Meyer (RM)
- Stefan Busemann (SB)
- Jan Hendrik Heuing (JH)
- Peter Pröll (PP)
- Ingo Schmidt (IS)
- Jonas Felix (JF)
- Michael Stucki (MS)
- Søren Schaffstein (SS)
- Georg Ringer
- Jochen Weiland
- Alain Veuve

Monday started with a general presentation of the new structure by Gina Steiner and was followed by different discussions about the current status of the TYPO3 Association's work. The fact that the official bodies need to comply with the new bylaws and the stated purpose within them was a major topic in the discussions. Article 3: "The TYPO3 Association promotes the project of the free software TYPO3 under the GNU GPL (GNU Public Licence). It serves the TYPO3 community. The TYPO3 Association is a non-profit association in that it provides free software development by third parties to the public. In order to finance the further development, the association raises funds through membership fees and collects donations for development projects. The TYPO3 Association is neutral with respect to politics and religion." Article 4 "The TYPO3 Association has the following tasks in particular:
- Events for the purpose of information and further training
- Internal and external communication to spread knowledge and competence for using the system
- Sustained particularly long-term further development of the software-project TYPO3
- Securing trademark rights in the interests of the TYPO3 community"
Patrick Lobacher expressed his wish to work not only on TYPO3 but also for the TYPO3 Community.
Jonas Felix: "I am here to contribute, because this is right place to do so". The Board of the TYPO3 Association explained its view as being a Piggy-bank for the TYPO3 Project. Gina Steiner continued her explanation of the new budget process and how the timeline for 2012 will look like. It will be the task of the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) to implement, communicate and manage the whole process. This will be a very transparent process aimed to inform the TYPO3 Association Members on how their funds and donations will be used. A clear differentiation between committees, community projects and budget was sketched allowing the present members to communicate this to the outside. Our Community Manager Ben van 't Ende explains how he works as a bridge between the many projects and official parts of the TYPO3 ecosystem. He informs about the expressed code of conduct and that all members should be as close a possible. Furthermore Gina provided an insight into the different tools used by the boards so far and advised the BCC and EAB to follow this already set course. The presented tools are: mailinglists, a global calendar and projects on forge. Some official Dates (to be confirmed):
- 13.08.2012: Budget Planning Meeting in Düsseldorf
- 05.11 - 06.11.2012: Budget Finalization Düsseldorf
- 01.02 - 02.02.2013: General Assembly Basel
You can find the protocol of the EAB meeting attached separately.