TYPO3 Association Quarterly Report

Categories: Association Created by Søren Schaffstein
Did you ever ask yourself what the TYPO3 Association is good for ;-)
Now the actual Quarterly Report of the TYPO3 Association is ready. Here a short summary and also a download link to the entire report.

The most important events in the last quarter have been the T3BOARD09 and the T3DD09. The snowboard tour, being the all time favorite social event in the TYPO3 community, was a great place to meet old friends or to make new ones. Of
course discussing code was not forbidden but not the main reason for attending T3BOARD.
Full-time coders and “snow dislikers” have had a great time at the TYPO3 Developer Days where coding and talking about code had priority. Even a first peek on freshly developed features of FLOW3 was possible, some of which already has been back-ported to the version 4 branch. Namely the extbase extension will bridge the gap between versions 4 and 5.

The report is available at the Association's website:

If you have suggestions or want to give us some feedback regarding the Quarterly Report, don't hesitate to write an email to info@typo3.org.

With best regards on behalf of the board,
Søren Schaffstein - Press Officer and 1st Assessor of the TYPO3 Association