TYPO3 Security Bulletin

It has been discovered that the extension phpMyAdmin (phpmyadmin) is vulnerable to Code Execution.

Component Type: Third party extension. This extension is not a part of the TYPO3 default installation.

Affected Versions: Version 3.2.0 and all versions below

Vulnerability Type: Code execution vulnerability

Severity: HIGH

Problem Description: Failing to filter user input the extension is susceptible to Code exection making it possible to execute arbitrary Shell Code.

Solution: An updated version 3.3.0 is available from the TYPO3 extension manager and at typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/phpmyadmin/3.3.0/. Users of the extension are advised to update the extension as soon as possible.

General advice: Follow the recommendations that are given in the TYPO3 SECURITY Guide. Please subscribe to the typo3-announce mailing list to receive future Security Bulletins via E-mail.

Credits: The issue in phpMyAdmin was originally found by Norman Hippert. Furthermore the TYPO3 Security Team wishes to thank the extension maintainer Andreas Kundoch for fixing the issue by upgrading phpMyAdmin to the latest stable version.