T3DUST announced, Community Tools Code Sprints, TYPO3 CSM 6.2 LTS deployments, Risk Backup budget available and the latest on coming events.
Week ending February 21
Themes and T3DUST
<link http: www.startnext.de en typo3-theme-packages>Themes is a Startnext fundraiser for setting up ready made packages containing backend layouts and grid layouts with appropriate frontend output and is an initiative Jo Hasenau and Kay Strobach.
Jo Hasenau lets us know that they have been making good progress on the themes topic. Even though the team is currently actively engaged with the core team for the release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS, first prototypes of theme packages based on Gridelements are already developed. There is still stuff to fix due to changes in the backend look and feel for TYPO3 CMS 6.2, but the team will tackle this soon.
The guys also announced the date for "<link http: typo3.org events community-events t3dust14>
T3DUST - Distributions, Usability Solutions and Themes for TYPO3". The event will take place from September 20 - 27 in <link https: www.google.com maps place festenburg data="!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47a53ebeb39ce297:0x8c38c4d7f5f4027a">Festenburg, Upper Harz, Germany.
The event website will be online shortly, but it is already possible to apply for one of the 30 available positions as a designer, developer or project manager. Just send a mail to T3DUST project manager Petra Hasenau at <link>ph@cybercraft.de.
The <link http: www.startnext.de en typo3-theme-packages>crowd funding campaign runs until March 4th with a target of 12.000 euro's. If you fancy ready made packages containing backend layouts and grid layouts with appropriate frontend output then backup their initiative. The project is not there yet and they can definitely need your support.
TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS deployments
Jochen Weiland, lets us know that although TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS is not yet officially released yet he has released a large cluster of sites based on the <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-62-lts-beta5-released>latest version. The TYPO3 core team has made good progress with that version, Jochen says, and we found it stable enough to go live.
<link http: jweiland.net>jweiland.net launched 9 web sites for the major city of Pforzheim (120.000 people) in South Germany. Some 20 Extbase extensions have been developed for this project, those which are suitable for general use will be available in the TYPO3 Extension Repository in the coming weeks.
It is great to experience that TYPO3 deployment on governmental and municipal level is becoming more common than it already was. A good example for instance is the Dutch Municipal TYPO3 Association, <link http: www.typo3gem.nl>TYPO3gem (Dutch). TYPO3gem has been attracting attention throughout Europe for their initiative clearly shown in an article on <link https: joinup.ec.europa.eu community osor news sharing-and-re-use-biggest-win-dutch-typo3-association>Sharing and re-use and one on their <link https: joinup.ec.europa.eu elibrary case dutch-municipalities-organise-themselves-around-open-source-solutions>move towards Open Source on Joinup (Share and reuse interoperability solutions for public administrations).
Venlo Code Sprint
From March 10 -12 the last <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_codesprint_2014>CMS code sprint before the release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS will take place in Venlo, courtesy of <link http: www.beech.it>Beech IT. The code sprint will be focused on bug fixing before the final release, press releases, smooth migration and
TYPO3 Neos and Flow
The Neos Book

Crowd funding is becoming a very effective tool to reach community goals, which is evident from the <link http: www.workpackages.org>work packages for TYPO3 CMS initiative, <link http: www.startnext.de en typo3-grid-elements-2-0>Grid Elements and the above-mentioned themes. Crowd funding the Neos Book is another fundraising initiative by Dan Frost from <link http: www.3ev.com>3ev, that will kick of soon on <link http: www.kickstarter.com>Kickstarter.
The team is talking to the people who offered to write for the Neos Book. With them, the team builds up the ideas for each chapter and looks through the list of contributors to see who can help them.
The rough structure currently is:
- Hello, world. Get going in Neos in just a few lines.
- Editing in Neos
- Templates and design in Neos
- Using and building your own content types
- Writing plugins for Neos
- Plugins & consuming services
- Backend development
- Deployment & server admin
They will probably also produce a cheat sheet for the content of the book, which will serve as an excellent reference.
Check out the <link http: www.theneosbook.com>Neos Book website for more info and subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date and to get notified when the Kickstarter campaign launches.
Neos Performance Code Sprint
Karsten Dambekalns gives a detailed <link http: typo3.org news article report-on-the-typo3-neos-performance-code-sprint-february-2014>Report on the TYPO3 Neos Performance Code Sprint February 2014. Karsten points out that any improvement in Flow benefits Neos directly, showing how much both are interrelated. The profiling toolkit for Neos and Flow, <link https: packagist.org packages sandstorm plumber>Plumber, is also loosely mentioned in the article . The most promising result in terms of performance improvement is the TypoScript Content Cache for Neos. The guys also provided a short <link http: moby.to kp7ug1>video impression of the sprint.
TYPO3 Podcasts

Sebastian Michaelsen is doing interviews as podcasts with TYPO3 community members for some time already on the website <link http: t3bits.de>t3bits.de. The latest podcast Sebastian did is an interview with Helmut Hummel, member of the TYPO3 Security team, of course about security. This particular podcast is in German, but there are also quite some podcats in english.
The Expert Advisory Board lets us know that they have secured<link http: typo3.org news article supporting-events-through-risk-backup> a budget that covers the risk for organising events.
Michael Stucki of the EAB gives a typical example. A TYPO3camp might need to pay a location upfront. If the organisation is unsure if it will find enough participants to cover these costs, then the Risk Backup budget will support the organisation and take over that risk. If things work out, the money is paid back to the association, otherwise it is considered an investment in this TYPO3 event.
TYPO3 Eastern Europe - T3EE
Very early already this year <link http: t3ee.org>T3EE is announced in Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania. The event takes place right on Halloween, October 31 – November 1. The organisation already adorned the T3EE website accordingly with bats.
We cannot think of a better way to spend your Halloween then with our Romanian friends in the heart of Transylvania.
Needless to say that organising the Developer Days is no small task and the organisation is pretty occupied with trying to secure sponsoring and answering a multitude of questions.
The organisation talked about how to mix the crowd we will welcome in Eindhoven this year. We will see total newbees and devs that have been around for ages. Lowering the barriers for cooperation during the DEVELOPER DAYS 2014 on all levels is one of the main goals for T3DD14. If you have any suggestions the organisation welcomes you to think with them. Just <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org get-in-touch>get in touch with them and share your ideas.
This week also saw the <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org tickets-hotels>launch of ticket sales. The organisation also secured <link https: typo3hotel.paydro.net>a special offer for hotel reservations including a shuttle service you are free to use.
A true community-driven effort like TYPO3 depends upon the generosity of its members in everything it does. We invite you to give back to the TYPO3 project <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org sponsoring>by becoming a financial sponsor of the DEVELOPER DAYS 2014.
Internet World
This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25 -26, <link http: www.internetworld-messe.de>Internet World will take place in Munich. All your favourite Bavarian TYPO3 companies will be present and your favourite CMS project will be represented by local TYPO3 community members at the <link http: www.internetworld-messe.de ausstellerverzeichnis ansicht cms-garden>CMS Garden booth. Visit us and have a chat at Stand D 184.
Community Tools Code Sprints
For several years the TYPO3 community had code sprints specifically dedicated to typo3.org. We had a pretty long period primarily focused on typo3.org with the relaunch and all surrounding the relaunch. These sprints were usually done with folks from other teams like the documentation team, the server team or the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) team.
Dates for three coming code sprints have been set and we decided to more appropriately call them Community Tools Code Sprint. That covers the topic a lot better and it also holds the intention to open up these sprints to new comers.
- SPRINT 1: Thu - Sun, April 10 - 13
- SPRINT 2: Thu - Sun, July 10 - 13
- SPRINT 3: Thu - Sun, Oct 23 - 26
More info on these code sprints will follow. In the meantime you can find the current info on <link http: wiki.typo3.org typo3.org>
What else?
Install nginx and php-fpm on Ubuntu/Debian
Alexander Schnitzler writes on his <link http: www.alexanderschnitzler.de blog.html>TYPO3 stuff blog about the <link http: www.alexanderschnitzler.de blog install-nginx-andphp-fpm-on-ubuntu-debian.html>switch from apache2 to nginx as a webserver. Alexander provides a very detailed how to and promises us he will do a follow up on Nginx soonish. Cedric Ziel provides some pointers, in his reaction, on how to set this up in a multi-user environment.
Documentation Team, second half-year report 2013
François Suter gives a <link http: typo3.org news article documentation-team-second-half-year-report-2013>report in the work the team has been doing in the second half of 2013. In the third quarter our efforts were concentrated on the TYPO3 CMS Core. All system extension manuals were migrated to reStructuredText (reST). In the fourth quarter, the focus was on improving the rendering of extension manuals on docs.typo3.org.
Migrating to reST and writing manuals in reST has become easier thanks to Xavier Perseguers's <link http: typo3.org extensions repository view sphinx _blank>sphinx extension. This is definitely worth mentioning here even though it is not an official project of the Documentation Team.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>typo3.org/events/. From now on 'This Week in TYPO3'has it's own news category on <link http: typo3.org news this-week-in-typo3>typo3.org/news/this-week-in-typo3/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.