In week 43 we talked about the silence before the storm. After the TYPO3 conference there is a silence after the storm with everyone concentrating on their work again. The conference was very successful with all enthusiasm about the latest developments in the TYPO3 project. 'This Week in TYPO3' comes to you from the TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr in Essen, the last TYPO3camp this year. We have a new platinum member of the TYPO3 Association, some team news and the TYPO3 Association is looking for an executive secretary.
Week Ending: November 8, 2013
TYPO3 conference
TYPO3 conference T3CON13DE in Stuttgart has been reinvented and was very well organized with a main subject for each day – Community, Future and Business – and four tracks on each day covering a variety of topics such as non-tech, tech, TYPO3, business and cases. Thus in total the participants had approximately 70 great talks from experienced professionals and thought leaders to choose from.

The TYPO3 conference resulted in 66 videos, 42 hours, more than 100 GB of files. The TYPO3 video team managed to record nearly all sessions and was able to create a live stream of 3 of the 4 session tracks. We like to thank Peter Körner and Brightcove (<link http:> for the support of the live streaming.
<link http: news article t3con13de-in-stuttgart-a-huge-succes>Gitte Veyen writes about the success of T3CON13DE.
Release manager Ernesto Baschny is doing a great job communicating the Long Term support Release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2. In the long series of articles Ernesto <link http: news article top-10-myths-around-typo3-62-demystified>busts some myths surrounding TYPO3 CMS 6.2.
Team news
The server team is meeting this weekend at <link http:>e-net in Hamburg where they will share and exchange know-how, update to a new version of Redmine and work on issues in their long list of todo's. You can look forward to a full report next week.
The need for a TYPO3 planet has already been buzzing around for a long time. A planet is a blog aggregation tool. We have a lot of information floating around the internet in the form of blogs that would be ideal when combined in a central place. We already have a <link http:>Planet Flow based on the Flow framework. The idea is to have such a planet for the entire TYPO3 project.
Helmut Hummel submitted a <link http: boards topics>budget request for a code sprint surrounding this topic. This week a first meeting was held with developers that have expressed their enthusiasm to work on it. We will first work on a design proposal and Planet building is scheduled for beginning of 2014, purely because the end of the year brings a lot of work for the TYPO3 companies and free-lancers.
The themes project gets even broader support with the nameles coder joining the effort.
The weekend after the presentation of themes at T3CON13 there was a code sprint by the Gridelements and Themes team about that topic. 8 developers met in Clausthal-Zellerfeld to join forces of the different approaches into the new recommended way of coding themes. The roadmap includes merging Gridelements and Fluidcontent so that theme developers will have to learn just one language, namely Fluid, which will even pave the way to reuse themes for TYPO3 NEOS as well. This concept was presented first at a session of the TYPO3camp RheinRuhr in Essen together with a new crowdfunding campaign for THEMES and got a lot of positive feedback.
The last TYPO3camp for this year, <link http:>TYPO<link http:>3<link http:>camp<link http:> <link http:>Rhein<link http:> <link http:>Ruhr in Essen is taking place this weekend. 136 participants registered for this event. This is an increase of 22% as compared to last year. There are many new faces again and it was not easy to fill the session board as many participants come to absorb TYPO3 knowledge. The <link http: news article couch-sessions-or-the-secret-of-our-community>couch sessions, originally started at the TYPO3camp Mallorca, were also part of this TYPO3camp again. For TYPO3camp it might be a new concept, but in general barcamps feature these kind of loose discussions without a lot of preparation. TYPO3camps like we have them now are essentially mini-conferences and a move towards workshops and these kind of open discussions would be beneficial for the TYPO3 project as a whole.. The TYPO3camps seem to attract new people continuously and are an excellent entry-point into the TYPO3 community. We need to make sure there is a good representation from across the TYPO3 project at these events.

Excitement is building for <link http:>TYPO3 Eastern Europe that will start this coming Thursday. With <link http: news social-events>four social events there is at least one record that is going to be broken.
Topdanmark – New platinum member
The TYPO3 Association was founded in 2004 to support development of TYPO3 CMS. Through membership of the TYPO3 Association several projects like community management, code sprints, core development and TYPO3camps are funded or backed to ensure further development of the products in our family. Once in a while we get awesome contributions in the form of platinum membership. Usually platinum members are TYPO3 companies that have TYPO3 CMS as a foundation for their business model. Sometimes this is also a company that uses TYPO3 CMS in house, like the Danish Insurance Company Topdanmark.
<link http:>

I asked eBusiness chef and Vice President Christian Mark Christensen some question about Topdanmark's motivations to become a platinum member and about Open Source.
What prompted you to become a platinum member?
As a large company using TYPO3 we think, that we also have to put in our share of work to the community. We also want to show that we are committed to the community and being a Danish company using a CMS that originates from a Dane make us believe, that we are obligated to help where we can.
You take care of your TYPO3 installation in house. How did your developers get their training?
We use pair programming when possible, and have over the years hired consultants to help us get the right level of expertise. Furthermore our PHP and Java developers have attended TYPO3 courses.
What other Open Source products do you use internally?
In general we are very committed to open source. Along side TYPO3 we use Symfony2 as a framework. Apache and MySQL serve our installations, Selenium, Behat, phpUnit for test, and Nagios for internal surveillance.
What is your impression of the TYPO3 community in general?
My impression is that the community is strong, and there is a lot of commitment in the core teams. I think that the community could be even stronger if we could make it easier for new developers to understand the benefits of TYPO3. A main focus for us in Topdanmark is to attract developers that can place TYPO3 in a context with other systems and architecture in general.
TYPO3 Association seeks Executive Secretary
The TYPO3 Association has put out a <link http: news article typo3-association-seeks-executive-secretary>vacancy for an executive secretary that, amongst others, should assist the boards and coordinate public communications of the TYPO3 Association. Someone that assists the boards with all tasks which are now easily forgotten or postponed. This job is a full-time paid position.