This Week in TYPO3 is written in a kind of silence before the storm with the storm being the upcoming conference in Stuttgart. The news is mainly that everyone is preparing their presentations. Here is a quick run-down of this week.
Week Ending: October 25, 2013
All focus is going to the coming conference, so there is little to report for This Week in TYPO3. The good news is that we will have plenty of communication going on next week in three times 'This Day in TYPO3'. Every conference day we will present a small interview with the keynote speaker of that day and a summary of what the day was like.
TYPO3 conference

Like mentioned everyone is gearing up to the TYPO3 conference next week in Stuttgart. People are already looking forward and being very enthusiastic about the schedule. It will be great to have this mix of experts.
We will keep you informed on what is going on through the social media channels and Many of the talks will be recorded and available asap on our YouTube channel.
TYPO3 CMS 6.2 has entered the first week of feature freeze and yes, it is not uncommon that "last features" still enter after beta1, but only clearly agreed upon with the release manager. What makes this release special is the LTS character. Read about the current state of exceptions for feature freeze and their explanation in <link http: news>Ernesto Baschny's article on Forge.
One kick-ass feature that will make it into the core is responsive rendering for images. Sven Wolfermann writes about <link https: news article responsive-image-rendering-in-typo3-cms-62>Responsive Image Rendering in TYPO3 CMS 6.2 in an article that was originally published on TYPO3blogger. The article is the top social media post this year in number of retweets, likes and plusses.
The grapevine mentions large amounts of beer being offered with the release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS on December 10, an amount that is supposedly doubled when this coincides with the release TYPO3 Neos 1.0. Inner circles whisper that a lot of beer might have to be consumed on December 10.
Google Summer of Code
Sebastian Michaelsen and Christian Müller have returned safely to home base after having visited the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit. A full report of what went down at the unconference style event will be coming to you in the coming week plus a status on how we continue with the results from this year's GSoC.
Next year's GSoC is already announced and we will apply for participation again of course.
<link http:>TYPO<link http:>3<link http:>camp<link http:> <link http:>Regensburg is happening as this article is being written. Check out #T3CR in Twitter. <link http:>TYPO<link http:>3<link http:>camp<link http:> <link http:>Rhein<link http:> <link http:>Ruhr in Essen from November 8 - 11 is sold out. Check out #T3CRR on Twitter.

The there is the awesome TYPO3 Eastern Europe (November 14-16) - <link http: _blank>T<link http: _blank>3<link http: _blank>EE in Cluj Napoca, Romania. You are welcome to come over to visit the event. Many members of the TYPO3 community have already decided to travel to Romania.