The release of the first beta of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS sets in the feature freeze, which means that no new features will be added and the focus from here on is stabilizing the product. Since the release of the last alpha version and last week's code sprint in Hannover, 72 new patches were merged and 22 new features were added. Features concerning package management, responsive image rendering, backend layout providers, core updater and file metadata localization were among the most significant. The <link http: www.ohloh.net p typo3>activity in the TYPO3 CMS project is so high that Ohloh mentions “... This is one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and is in the top 2% of all project teams on Ohloh.".TYPO3 Neos
<link http: www.launchr.com>
Marketing Team Meeting
On Tuesday the marketing team met at the <link http: www.aoemedia.com>AOE offices in Wiesbaden to discuss the coming marketing sprint. The <link news article announcment-of-the-typo3-marketing-sprint-week>marketing sprint will consist of a two-day communication work shop, a one day strategy meeting and the week ends with some days actually working on marketing material for our new products. Those materials will include new flyers and white papers that will be available for the community to use. For the actual work the team is still missing some print designers, please feel free to <link sprint>email the marketing team if you are interested. After years of leading the marketing team Kian Gould leaves his position as team leader. Alain Veuve will follow in his footsteps closely supported by Berit Hlubek. AOE will continue to support the marketing team when it comes down to having a location for the meetings and the typo3.org code sprints. Thanks Kian for supporting the TYPO3 project like this for the past years. Berit Hlubek reports about the marketing team meeting in <link news article marketing-team-meeting-october-15th>Marketing Team Meeting October 15th on typo3.orgGoogle Summer of Code
Four of our students were successful in this year's Google Summer of Code. Tobias Liebig administrated the project this year and he writes in the <link news article google-summer-of-code-2013-final-report>TYPO3 GsoC Final Report that one of the projects failed due to communication problems. Four student projects passed the final evaluations. The four projects that passed were:"<link https: google-melange.appspot.com gsoc project google gsoc2013 ua13dark>Create an oAuth layer" by Denys Butenko, mentored by Sebastian Michaelsen
"<link https: google-melange.appspot.com gsoc project google gsoc2013 puja>Fluid: Cut dependencies on Flow" by Puja Singh, mentored by Karsten Dambekalns
"<link https: google-melange.appspot.com gsoc project google gsoc2013 cognifloyd>FluidBoilerplate" by Jacob Floyd, mentored by Robert Weißgräber
"<link https: google-melange.appspot.com gsoc project google gsoc2013 manuel_mitasch>Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications" by Manuel Mitasch, mentored by Rens Admiraal

Two TYPO3camps are upcoming in Germany. <link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>TYPO<link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>3<link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>camp<link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de> <link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de>Regensburg from October 25 - 27 still has tickets, so you might hurry to get one before it is sold out. <link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de>TYPO<link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de>3<link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de>camp<link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de> <link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de>Rhein<link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de> <link http: www.typo3camp-rheinruhr.de>Ruhr in Essen from November 8 - 11 is sold outTYPO3camp Poland
The mini conference <link http: typo3camp.pl en>TYPO<link http: typo3camp.pl en>3<link http: typo3camp.pl en>camp<link http: typo3camp.pl en> <link http: typo3camp.pl en>Poland took place in Pozna? this Friday and Saturday. Around 50 people gathered to listen to presentations on TYPO3. Special guests for the event were Robert Lemke, Tolleiv Nietsch, Sven Ditz and Ben van 't Ende. Daniel Homorodean was also present at the event to inform the audience about the coming TYPO3 Eastern Europe (November 14-16) - <link http: www.t3ee.org>T<link http: www.t3ee.org>3<link http: www.t3ee.org>EE in Cluj Napoca, Romania and to convince them to come over to visit the event. Robert said some words on the Neos team culture and the key values they set up with the team that guides their work into the future. Trust is one of the key values. For instance every member of the Neos team has full commit rights and access to the tools the team uses. Later on Robert presented the coming Neos 1.0 in a full presentation. Sven presented how to sell TYPO3 in a very animated way and received lots of appreciation for his story-telling capabilities. Sven's topic was received well in the mixed crowd, that consisted only partly of developers. Tolleiv's presentation was about continuous integration. In his presentation typo3.org was also mentioned a couple of times. Tolleiv set up continuous integration for typo3.org.