Fund raising for the workpackages initiative went through the roof this week, the CMS Garden Association kicks of in the Unperfekt Haus and beta 4 of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS was released on route to the final.
Week Ending: January 17, 2014
Ernesto Baschny, who you all know by now as release manager of the current TYPO3 CMS version, warns us to fasten your seatbelts for beta 4 of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS. Undoubtedly Ernesto refers to the performance enhancements that are a major part of the coming Long Term Support release.
Steffen Ritter tells us that a team consisting of Helmut Hummel, Oliver Hader, Benni Mack and himself has been profiling a real life instance of which the overall result was a reduction of rendering time by 75% percent for uncached things and in some parts a 98% cached improvement. All results will be ported to the workpackages to be tackled there as issues. Steffen concludes that they aim to rock 6.2. There is a lot of CMS team involvement currently and people are really motivated.
In <link http: news article typo3-cms-62-lts-beta4-released>the article about the release of beta 4 Ernesto specifically mentions first time contributors: Cynthia Mattingly, Tom Ruether, Torben Hansen, Marcin Sagol and Thomas Blaß. The article is very specific on all details and other people that have contributed.
Please also take note of the upgrading instructions that let you check out this release. The team definitely appreciates your feedback.
A beta 5 will be released after the <link http: cms_codesprint_2014 _blank>Code Sprint in Köln, in the weekend of Februari 1-2.
Open fund raising for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS
Ingo Schmitt from <link http:>Marketing Factory, one of the two organisers, tells us the organisation is overwhelmed by the speed they got the complete funding. In just 8 days they got the sponsoring of money and work for all work packages. The current acquired funds are almost 10k higher then targeted for. Ingo says: “I still don’t know why it worked so well for us.”

Having the funding so fast allowed an earlier start earlier than anticipated. Not everything is in place yet, but the work has started.
Currently Ingo, as project lead, is in the process of getting all input for each package and is converting the tasks to tickets. Also the responsible developers for each package are writing tasks and stories, which can be found on <link http: issues> The tickets indicate the work has already started, mainly by the responsible developers.
Ingo ends with saying: “Having more and more stories in Forge I try to figure out who could be responsible for each task and try to negotiate how the work could be done. At first we try to give a task to agencies who are sponsoring work, afterwards we will contact more developers.”
On <link http:> you can find a great visual overview of who sponsored what.
Vote your favorite person into the TYPO3 Association
After the nominations have ended last week the TYPO3 Association sent out invitations for voting members into the Expert Advisory Board and the Business Control Committee. Everyone that is a member of the TYPO3 Association received an email with directions on how to vote.
You can find the nominees for the Expert Advisory Board on <link https: election eab-election-2014> and for the Business Control Committee on <link https: election bcc-election-2014> The election closes end of January.
The results will be announced at the next General Assembly on February 1 in Frankfurt, Germany. Positions of the Board will be elected by the current EAB in a secret election during that same GA.
CMS Garden: Gathering of the CMS-es
<link http: _blank>CMS Garden is an initiative where all the relevant open source CMS-es are represented. We wrote about this several times before. Also in <link http: news article this-week-in-typo3-week-2-2014>Week 2.Together with Bernhard Welzel from <link http:> I visited the first CMS Garden Association meeting as representatives of the TYPO3 project.
This past Friday and Saturday the CMS-es gathered in the Unperfekt Haus in Essen. The Unperfekt Haus is a perfect location for meetings. In the TYPO3 world we use this location quite often.
During the two days documents belonging to the foundation of an association were discussed the final form of the rules and regulations took shape. The general consensus was found in removing a lot of rules and basing a lot in trust. Stephan Luckow from the Drupal User Group Berlin was elected chairman of the CMS Garden Association.
All documents regarding the formation of the association can be found on GitHub: <link https: cms-garden cmsgarden-association>
The TYPO3 Association is one of the founding members of the CMS Garden Association, now.
TER Code Sprint and outlook for 2014
Thomas Löffler organised <link http: code_sprint_ter_stuttgart_2013>a first dedicated TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) code sprint in Stuttgart at the beautiful Schloß Hohenheim with 7 participants in December 2013.
The sprint focused on the two extensions ter and ter_fe. Some participants did their first changes on code, got an introduction to Git, Gerrit and of course a deeper look into the TER.
The focus was on getting bugs fixed, changing documentation links and getting the TER cleanup process working flawlessly. The results were deployed during this last week.
Thomas mentions that the Code Sprint was very successful and all participants are up for joining a next Code Sprint, which will probably be within the coming two months. Thomas plans to do a TER Code Sprint at least two times a year with a focus on the important development issues and improving the most visited part of
Next up is finishing a scheduler task that searches for outdated extensions on a daily basis and marks them as such.
Another upcoming feature is the possibility to tag your own extension and to enhance extension search to be able to find special extensions (e.g. „gallery lightbox“).
The most wanted feature is a rating and commenting for each extension. This is definitley on the road map for 2014.
In the coming week a date for the next TER Code Sprint will be determined.
With the focus on CMS Garden it was tight to even get out This Week in TYPO3 this weekend. Check out CMS Garden and consider to be part of the CMS Garden team for TYPO3. Keep me up to date on anything you think is worth mentioning for the coming week.