Call for papers and speakers for T3CON14, team news, codesprints, TYPO3camps and coming events: CMS Day (Paris), Open Expo (Madrid) and T3UNI in (Annecy, France) and TypoScript plugin for Phpstorm
Week ending May 30

The 10th TYPO3 conference (#T3CON14) will take place in, Berlin, an exciting city, and will feature international speakers and visitors from several countries. Three days packed with interesting sessions and practical workshops.
A totally new <link http:>website is launched for the conference with newsupdates and information about the program, speakers, location and ticket sale. You can also find the <link http: speakers>Call for Papers/Speakers on the website.
Three Days - Three Themes
This year’s conference features a wide range of sessions with an interesting mix of topics for developers and for TYPO3 users alike, as well as for decision makers and marketing managers. Every day will have it's own focus: Business, Future and Knowledge. Many international speakers will present their experiences and visions. And then there is our notorious social event. That alone makes it worthwhile to come to the TYPO3 conference.
Call for speakers
Like last year we will have a lot of well known international speakers from all over the world. Do you want to be a part of it and spread the word of TYPO3 and the world of web technologies? Use the "<link http: speakers>Call for Papers/Speakers".
Early Bird Tickets for sale!
Until June 30th, 2014 we offer early bird tickets at a special price of € 550.-*. This ticket includes the social event, free lunch and beverages. So don‘t waste your time and <link http: grab-your-ticket>order a ticket now!
Limited rooms at special prices
The conference will be held at the <link http: berlin en>nhow, Berlin. You will receive a special discount using the voucher code "T3CON14EU" while making your reservation:
From October 8th to October 10th you can book a single room at € 139,- or a double room at € 163,- (per room / night, including breakfast) VAT is included.
The TYPO3 CMS team worked in the background to provide stabilization and security releases for all its currently maintained branches (4.5 LTS, 4.7, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2 LTS). The team is still in the stabilization mode for the 6.2 branch, which is the recently released new long term support (LTS) version.
The good news: the team reports greater adoption and noted that the last glitches are now solved in the 6.2.3 release. In the past few weeks, developers of many important extensions released 6.2 compatible versions, providing a smoother migration path for users coming from the previous LTS version 4.5 from 2011.
Next up is the discussion and definition on the new release cycle to be adopted by TYPO3 CMS for the future. The experience the team gained from the previous LTS release and the releases after that made it clear that some adjustments need to be done.

This will be settled in the next few weeks, just in time to be broadly discussed and announced at TYPO3 Developer Days from June 19 to 22 in in the Eindhoven region of The Netherlands. It is the first time the event, previously held in Germany and Switzerland, will venture outside of the German-speaking region.
TYPO3 CMS Team leader Olly Hader and release manager Ernesto Baschny will present a session at the event entitled "Contributing to the Core," which is intended to show new enthusiasts how to get patches and improvements included in the next releases. It will also provide a platform to discuss the current workflow, and get input from new contributors on how to lower the barriers for contributions.
On May 27 the Neos team released TYPO3 Neos 1.1.0-beta3 on the road to the final Neos 1.1 that is now very close. You can find the last minute changes in the <link http: neos typo3neosdocumentation latest appendixes changelogs>changelog.
Documentation Team
It can be stressed enough how important documentation is for any software project. Documentation is often treated as less important than coding itself, but reading the source only works for a few. While creating documentation may not be the most exciting part of the workday, it is an essential function. Besides documentation as manual, documentation also serves to celebrate success, to create a history and is general a basis for further improvement.

The <link http: projects team-docteam>documentation team, led by Francois Suter, has achieved a lot the past years with the migration to reSTructured Text. The foundation of <link http:> made it a lot easier to maintain documentation. The TYPO3 CMS manuals have never been as up to date as they are now.
Francois is going for one last round and plans to resign at the end of this year. Francois wants to free up some of his time and not necessarily dedicate that to the TYPO3 community, although to communities in general anyway.
At the end of this year the documantation team needs a new leader, so now is the time to join the documentation team. Please contact them at: <link>
Official manuals hosted on GitHub
Xavier Perseguers let us know that: Every official manual, guide and reference is now hosted on GitHub and features a link "Edit me on GitHub"
- Everyone may easily contribute (= fix typos or enhance) by going to a given part of the doc on and clicking this link which will automatically fork the documentation project and show an edit form of the corresponding chapter. After that, the change may be suggested by creating a pull request (link to the explanation you found about pulling in github could be interesting)
- Once accepted (= merged into main repository), the documentation is automatically re-rendered within a few minutes
- Extension authors may do the same for their own extensions (info as given a few minutes ago)
Example: Getting Started manual with <link http: typo3cms gettingstartedtutorial editandcreatepagesandcontent editpagecontent index.html>this "standard" chapter.
"Pull request" in GitHub: <link https: articles using-pull-requests>
Xavier concludes that the TYPO3 documentation team is looking forward to reviewing more contributions with this new feature.
It is your turn now!
Write The Docs, BERLIN Unconference
The <link http: eu unconf-berlin.html>Write the Docs Unconference will take place from July 19-20 in Berlin, Germany (after the <link http:>Open Knowledge Festival and just before <link https:>EuroPython). Immerse yourself in knowledge and insight, shared by peers, about the art and science of documentation. You won’t find this unique intersection of people, talents and interests anywhere else.
Marketing Team
The marketing team had an online meeting on May 28 and mainly discussed the company meeting they organised together with the TYPO3 Association in Berlin on April 10. A mere 3 of in total 12 invited companies were present at that meeting. The companies that were there gave a lot of feedback. Because this was the first meeting of it's kind the marketing did not go very public with it. This is something that they will change for the coming meeting that is slated for July 3 in Frankfurt. This time also agency customers will be invited and an official webpage will be created on surrounding the meeting, which also serves as a communication tool. The marketing team feels inspired by the Swiss Agency Meetup on TYPO3 and would like to see similar initiatives come to life.
The team also discussed migration of the TYPO3 Association website into the infra-structure and renewed maintenance for <link http:>
If you have any questions about the agency meetups or any specific questions regarding the marketing team then please contact the <link>Alain Veuve who is leader of the marketing team.
Community Tools Team
After the sprint of beginning of May, Christian Zenker <link http: index.php t>deployed a new version of on May 30 with some feature improvements and which now includes the <link http: certification about-the-certification certified-typo3-cms-integrator-listing>Certified Integrators Listing, completing the integration of the former certification website in There is also a feedback form similar to Uservoice on now.
Community Working Group
The community working group had several meetings in the past months, establishing their working mode. They see there most important task as a bridge between the association and the community.
On May 26 CWG had a hangout with Valorie Zimmerman, Linux Grandma and member of the <link http:>KDE Community Working Group. Obviously there are differences with the two communities, but Valorie recommends to lay down the rules for a community working group like they do in KDE.
Rules and working mode will be on top of the cwg agenda and will be discussed in the upcoming meetings as well as channels for communication.
The community working group will meet with <link http:>Ashe Dryden in a hangout soon to talk about diversity. There is the opportunity to invite some more people to this hangout and CWG will be reaching out to people when there is a fixed date and time for that hangout.
TYPO3 CMS Zurich (June 10 - 12)
From Tuesday, June 10 - Thursday, June 12 <link http: cms_codesprint_2014>the fourth code sprint for TYPO3 CMS in 2014 will take place in Zurich, Switzerland hosted by <link http:>Snowflake. Steffen Ritter organiser of the sprints lets us know that the topics for the coming sprint are 6.2 fixing and a lot of folks with FAL (File Abstracion Layer) issues will be joining. It seems likely that after the sprint we will see fixes mainly in the FAL area.
Steffen lets us know that they are in dear need of sponsoring as the land of the Swiss to expensive for the team to cover their food needs.
NEOS Eindhoven (June 15 - 18)
From Sunday, June 15 - Wednesday, June 18 a <link http: neos_code_sprint_june_2014>NEOS code sprint will take place in Eindhoven sponsored by the TU/e (Technical University Eindhoven). The takes place just before the start of the <link http:>Developer Days.
TYPO3camp Toulon (May 17 - 18)
RYKHTIK informs us on the past <link http:>TYPO3camp in the South of France:
Participants spent two wonderful days.
The first day was in BarCamp format, with TYPO3 Install Party and TYPO3 CMS extension development workshop.

The second day of the camp was organized in more active format with in a #T3TRIAL format (group running in the mounts near the Mediterranean sea), with openair talks around TYPO3 community development in France, and the creation of new offerings for the French public institutions.
The organizers of TYPO3camp Toulon are expressing their gratitude to the participants and sponsors (<link http:>La Cantine and <link http:>Arxia group), and warmly inviting "northern" community to the second edition of the event, which will happen next year.
Pictures of TYPO3camp Toulon 2014 : <link http: vnrwkr>
Upcoming TYPO3camps
TYPO3camp Berlin (June 27 - 29)
The SAE Institute Berlin is again the location for <link http:>TYPO3camp Berlin. With it's fully equipped rooms SAE is the ideal location for your sessions.
TYPO3camp Bremen (August 8 – 10)
Organiser Marco Klawonn lets us know that ticket sale for <link http:>TYPO3camp Bremen is open. The camp in Bremen is a kind of replacement for TYPO3camp Hamburg that was always organised by Volker Graubaum. Volker is now fully engaged in the organisation for the <link http:>official TYPO3 conference.
TYPO3camp Mallorca (September 12 – 14)
Ticket sale for the <link http:>international TYPO3camp Mallorca is open. There is a small contingent of cheap rooms and the organisation is looking for international sponsors.
Developer Days (June 19 – 22, Eindhoven, the Netherlands)

Everyone is looking forward to the community event of the year!
The organisation, Edward Lenssen, Andrea Herzog, Patrick Broens and yours truly hope to have everything covered, but we are still missing some social event sponsors. Please check out the <link http: sponsoring>sponsoring page and apply for the sponsoring packages that are left open.
CMS Day (June 17, Paris, France)
Open Source company Smile organises another CMS Day this year. TYPO3 will of course be present at this event that features around 20 Open Source CMS-es. TYPO3 is features in two round table discussions on multi-site strategies and on Open Source business models.

You can find the full program on the CMS Day website: <link http: programme>
OpenExpo (June 26, Madrid, Spain)
Naike Begiatto lets us know that <link http: news article meet-typo3-at-openexpo-day-in-madrid>TYPO3 will be present as Sponsor at the OpenExpo Day in Madrid, on June 26th, 2014.
The OpenExpo Day is an annual event of the spanish Open Source community, which attracts international guests and sponsors. This lively event offers keynote speeches, conferences, workshops, and demos of Open Source software and solutions.
T3UNI (July 2 – 4, Annecy, France)
<link http:>T3UNI is the French event of the year and will be taking place in Annecy again from July 2 – 4. They organisation created an astonishing responsive <link http:>website for the event. If you are French and into TYPO3 then T3UNI est pour vous!
TypoScript plugin for PhpStorm
Stefan Galinski, a long time TYPO3 contributor, comes forward with exciting news that his company <link http:>sgalinski Internet Services recently released a new TypoScript plugin for PhpStorm. The plugin simplifies the writing of TypoScript configurations. The current main features ainclude a code highlighter, code completion with multi-file support, a structure tree and inline code documentation. The data for the documentation and auto completion is taken from the tsref.xml of TYPO3 that is, until now, outdated and incomplete. This plugin also has useful coding helpers like code formatting and code block folding.
Stefan mentions that the developers of the plugin welcome your feedback. Please report any bugs and feature requests in the
An installation and feature video can be found at their <link https: channel uc0ehmxpblhueup1elmfxrtw>YouTube channel.
About 'This Week in TYPO3'
Community members find there way to 'This Week in TYPO3' more and more and it is great to see the number of contributions is increasing. The weekly TYPO3 roundup can contain news from almost everywhere and is pretty open to what is going on in the TYPO3 world as long as it is not a commercial message. There is so much going on on several levels In the TYPO3 community and sharing that with the rest of the community creates new opportunities. Besides being a soundboard for the community as it is, 'This week in TYPO3' should internationalise and spread the TYPO3 word across the globe.
Contributions in a story-telling fashion that highlight the human element of the community are our favourite and we welcome you to submit anything TYPO3 related you might have. If you have any questions or ideas then please contact me at <link> I am happy to help you out and think with you on your contribution.
You can help
Compiling 'This Week in TYPO3' is a lot of work and this might be a chance for you to contribute to the community. If you are not a programmer or even if you are a programmer, this is something for you. Don't be shy and come forward if writing is your thing.
Thanks Ben
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.