TYPO3 was present at LinuxTag and as usual we have upcoming events to bring to your attention.
Week ending May 9
CMS Garden, LinuxTag (May 8-10, Berlin, Germany)
The Open Source CMS Garden was present at <link http: linuxtag.de>LinuxTag again this year. TYPO3 was participating next to, amongst others, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Plone and Scientific CMS. LinuxTag was combined with Droidcon and with Re:publica this year, which brought quite a different, diverse audience.
Nice detail is that our TYPO3 man Stefan Neufeind is involved in LinuxTag and he is responsible for the <link http: linuxtag.de>LinuxTag website built on TYPO3.
LinuxTag is mainly focused on talks and most of the presentation room were filled pretty good. The new location <link http: w.station-berlin.de en home.html>Station had a much nicer atmosphere than the Berlin Messe where LinuxTag was previously held. The audience at the CMS Garden booth was not that big compared to other internet focused events CMS Garden was present at earlier. Nonetheless it is quite beneficial to connect to other Open Source projects like our 'neighbours' from OwnCloud and KDE.
I also connected to Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente and Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona from Bitergia, Madrid again. The guys are heavily into community metrics, a topic I have been following for some time closely, not in the least because our community guy <link http: andygrunwald.blogspot.de>Andy Grunwald has done his bachelor thesis on “Software Repository Mining - Concept and Potentials” based on TYPO3 analytics. Andy is also committing to Bitergia's <link http: blog.bitergia.com tag metrics-grimoire>Metrics Grimoire project. Jesus talked about <link http: www.cls-europe.com speakers-and-sessions>Development Community Metrics at the mini <link http: cls-europe.com>Community Leadership Summit at LinuxTag on May 9.

The Berlin TYPO3 User Group (<link http: www.btug.org>BTUG) was present during all days with quite some people and the future of the group looks quite promising with Bodo Eichstadt putting renewed effort in it's organisation. If you are from Berlin than check out BTUG.
TYPO3camp Toulon (May 17-18, Toulon, France)
<link https: twitter.com fedirfr>Fedir Rhyktik announced <link http: typo3camp-toulon2014.splashthat.com>TYPO3camp Toulon, France. The TYPO3camp will consist of a conference day and an outdoor day.
The conference day will cover: TYPO3 in France : now and in the future, Introduction to futuristic TYPO3 Neos, Migration to new LTS of TYPO3 CMS : 4.5 => 6.2, TYPO3 Comparison with other CMS / frameworks, Efficient TYPO3 CMS development with FluidTYPO3, TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos workshops. The outdoor day looks totally awesome with Coding on the boat, Barcamp on the beach and Open-air pechakucha's.
TYPO3camp Berlin (June 27-29, Berlin, Germany)
<link http: www.typo3camp-berlin.de>TYPO3camp Berlin has started ticket sale and you are invited to join the fifth TYPO3camp in the Berlin-Brandenburg Region.
PHPUnit code sprint (June 27-29, Hamburg, Germany)
The <link http: wiki.typo3.org phpunit_codesprint_2014>first code sprint for the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension in 2014 will take place in Hamburg organised by Oliver Klee.
- Topics addressed during the code sprint will be:
- fix lots of bugs (if possible, all known bugs) in the extension
- make the extension compatible with the latest TYPO3 CMS master
- update to the latest versions of PHPUnit and vfsStream
- refactor and clean up the code
- improve the user interface
- integrate Jasmine
If you have questions, you would like to participate or offer some sponsoring, just get in contact with Oliver Klee (typo3-coding AT oliverklee DOT de).
Code sprint location sponsored by <link http: sitegeist.de>Sitegeist Media Solutions
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.