On October 26 and 27, the 12th European TYPO3 conference took place in Munich, Germany. For the second time the conference was accompanied by the TYPO3 Award ceremony, celebrating and awarding the most outstanding TYPO3 projects of agencies and customers in 2015 / 2016 on the closing night.
And the winners of the ‘TYPO3 Award 2016’ are ….
The who-is-who of the TYPO3 world was present at the gala style gathering in the Löwenbräukeller, officially finalising this year's TYPO3 conference. The recommended dress code was ‘Business Casual’, but being the free and open source project we all know TYPO3 for quite some ‘rebels’ ignored the business part and went for dress code ‘Casual’.
Robert Douglass
After having enjoyed some excellent food and drinks with all attendants the ceremony kicked off moderated by renowned and also adored host Maxi Sarwas. All categories were introduced by a well-made video overview and prices were handed over by the category sponsors. Olivier Dobberkau, President of the TYPO3 Association, mentions all winners in the <link news article international-typo3-awards-presented-in-nine-categories-wwwfitreisende-is-the-typo3-website-of>press release dedicated to the International TYPO3 Awards.

Outside the main categories there were two community awards to be presented. <link https: www.punkt.de>Punkt.de won the award for best small website with <link https: www.hilfefuerwaisenkinder.de>
www.hilfefuerwaisenkinder.de dedicated to disaster relief for orpans in Haiti. In the category ‘Best TYPO3 Event’, the Developer Days (<link https: t3dd16.typo3.org>T3DD16) won for the second time, which is a great recognition for organisers Andrea Herzog-Kienast, Andreas Förthner and Thomas Maroschik.
The 12th TYPO3 conference itself was divided in a business and a future day.
Business Day (Oct 26)
The business day started with a presentation by Mathias Schreiber (CEO of TYPO3 GmbH) and Fabian Stein (Leader of the marketing team). Mattes explains what really happened with the development of TYPO3 and as a side note mentions TYPO3 will be 20 years old in 2017. Many speed improvements were made making TYPO3 running up to 4 times as fast as before. Areas like images manipulation and forms have seen a major overhaul. Fabian talks about creating a strong brand, comparing it to how different bottles for the same water can create a huge difference in price. Red Bull is a good example of successful branding.
One of the very inspiring and tracks in the main hall was the talk by Daniel Hinderink. Daniel was there from the beginning of the TYPO3 project and laid the foundation for the TYPO3 association.
"After a few years of abstinence from the project, I am looking back at what is now history in amazement. Amazed about the resilience of it's spirit, especially given the amount and magnitude of mistakes I made (with little help from my friends). In my talk I would like to give a tour of the most bizarre errors and how TYPO3 not only survived , but thrived. Lessons learned hopefully included."
Georg Ringer sums up Daniel’s notes to self in his (english) <link http: ringer.it blog t3con16-day1.html>blog entry on Day 1 of T3CON16:
- Take maximum effort in getting stakeholder buy-in and getting expectations clear
- Always be careful with titles
- Make plans that take the capacities into account
- Choose your battles wisely
- Totally distrust your own judgement
Some other points to take into account:
- Research everything about comparable cases
- No matter how much you like people, don’t protect them at all costs from the truth
- Don’t forget to have fun
- If you make mistakes, accept, apologize and learn
Daniel’s last slide contains the TYPO3 motto “inspiring People To Share’ along with final words of praise for TYPO3 as a product and as a community.

Daniel’s talk can be found on YouTube: <link https: www.youtube.com>
All recorded sessions from T3CON16 can be found in the <link https: www.youtube.com>T3CON16 - Munich playlist on the <link http: youtube.com typo3>TYPO3 YouTube channel.
The business day also saw ‘best speaker of the con’ Sven Ditz talking about how to do Real projects. Trust is an integral part of his business approach. Techdivision adds in their blog (german) that Sven’s approach is very cool and aligns with the agile methods they use, but then more "extreme" (in the positive sense).

It was not the first time Sven was recognised as best speaker. In 2015 the same honors were entrusted to him at the TYPO3 Conference in Amsterdam.
I was personally very fond of two talks later in the day about social aspects of collaboration. ‘Of elephants and butterflies…’ by Sabine Wojcieszak was about the proverbial elephant in the room. The problem everyone knows is there, but no-one dares to address. After this talk Franziska Brandt-Biesler talks about negotiation theory in ‘Negotiation techniques for better results’. At the end of her talk she gave an impressive display of acting by showing how different kinds of archetypes need distinctive other approaches when negotiating.
For a detailed analysis of these talks read Georg Ringer’s report ‘<link http: ringer.it blog t3con16-day1.html>TYPO3 CONFERENCE 2016 - DAY 1’
Future Day (Oct 27)
After the business approach of the first day it was time to shine a light into what the future could possibly bring on many different fronts. What better way to start the future day then with a talk by futurologist Erik Händeler called ‘The History of the Future’.

Erik gives an excellent overview of economic cycles from the industrial revolution to digital transformation. He explicitly points out that we are moving into a service oriented world currently and that the next economic cycle is all about collaboration and mental health. In the open source world we operate in we are quite used to collaborative processes already. In the future this will evolve into many different segments of the economy. The fact that a lot of our labor ends up in this realm of services and not manual labor anymore also means that we need to have more focus on mental health.
The talk that Gina Steiner gave on Day 2 aligned with the previously mentioned talk about the future. In her talk on ‘How to Change the World and Survive the Journey’ she pointed out how to change your organisation to an agile organic structure, without losing control. Trust is a big part of this change as also mentioned by Erik with the move to collaborative processes.
Georg Ringer mentions a few other talks on <link http: ringer.it>ringer.it: <link http: ringer.it blog t3con16-day2.html>TYPO3 CONFERENCE 2016 - DAY 2.
The future day was appropriately closed by core team leaders Benni Mack and Mathias Schreiber talking about ‘The Future of TYPO3CMS’. The focus of the talk was explicitly short-term to 2020 with as topics cloud, technology, midterm strategy, industry partnerships and new markets.

Some of the practical things Benni mentions is that Doctrine is now part of the core replacing the older home brewn DBAL (database abstraction layer) solution that never really functioned properly and suffered from query overload. The cool thing about this change is that, besides the good old MySQL, TYPO3 CMS now supports Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL server and even SQLite. Mattes adds that this was basically the biggest change ever done to TYPO3 and touches each and every corner of TYPO3.
Doctrine is considered to be an industry standard. TYPO3 is increasingly working with open source industry standards, which is a good thing because we all benefit from the contributions of others in those projects. Composer, that has been in the core since version 7, is also an example of that.
Benni explains how multi-language support is an unparalleled feature of TYPO3. There is no other open source CMS that is as flexible and powerful as TYPO3 dealing with localisation. Yes it has bugs, but this will be one of the points that will be addressed for the future to spice it up and make it even better. The team is looking closely to other solutions and make future solutions adhere more to industry standards.
As a last future point Benni mentions front-end editing. Front-end editing has actually been part of TYPO3 since 3.2, It was in a pretty rudimentary form showing the content forms in the front-end. Despite a number of of initiatives like integrating the Aloha editor, a really stable solution never got off the ground. That is until now!
Robert Lindh, CEO of swedish TYPO3 company Pixelant, started a <link http: www.pixelant.net crowdfunding>crowdfunding campaign to make front-end editing happen. Both front-end and back-end editing will be based on <link http: ckeditor.com>CK editor. The campaign was and still is very successful and shows the commitment of the community to make important breakthroughs happen. An amount of 63.000 euro’s (goal: 50.000 euro) was raised until now by 117 backers. It is an incredible achievement. Phase one of the project is underway and will go through 6 phases before reaching the final stage and integrated in the core for TYPO3 8 LTS.
As a final part of the future of TYPO3 industry partners like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Webservices, Google Cloud Platform, <link https: platform.sh>platform.sh and <link https: blackfire.io>blackfire.io are mentioned that will heavily expand services for agencies, for free-lancers, for people who integrate stuff and help them with their daily work.
Check out the latest TYPO3
If this all makes you keen to want to check out the latest TYPO3 version then you can either launch an Amazon instance supplied by Michael Schams: <link https: aws.amazon.com marketplace pp>
Spin up a free trial on platform.sh: <link https: accounts.platform.sh platform trial typo3 setup>
With the example/demo code for deploying TYPO3 on platform.sh available here: <link https: github.com platformsh platformsh-example-typo3>
Best speakers of the conference
- <link https: goo.gl uvvopo>Sven Ditz - <link https: goo.gl mkovqf>Doing RE.A.L. Projects
- <link https: goo.gl xzkjlc>Steffen Kastner - <link https: t3con.eu program day-1 session show>Watching the Wildlife
- <link https: goo.gl orqp1p>Judith Schröder - <link https: goo.gl ocnsc2>Successful Content Strategy - from conception to distribution
Thanks to Jochen Weiland, Techdivision and Georg Ringer for writing about the event.