Nothing Is Impossible - TYPO3 CMS 7.4
The ‘Nothing Is Impossible’ claim for the latest TYPO3 release getting close to the Long Term Support version in the fall of this year echoes the regenerated energy in the CMS team after turbulent times in the TYPO3 community. Georg Ringer already <link http: features-of-7-4.html>mentioned that usability is a focus area for this new release and now 7.4 is released we can have a closer look at what the new features introduced by the TYPO3 community for the TYPO3 community brings to the users.

Active Contributor Meeting 2015
Benni reports on the <link http: news article report-from-the-active-contributor-meeting-2015>Active Contributor Meeting 2015 that took place prior to the <link http:>Developer Days. The ACME typically takes place once every half year . Meeting each other face to face fuels the team spirit. For this ACME several focus groups were created, a JavaScript focus group, a focus group for PHP topics and a User Experience group for the TYPO3 Backend. The team is pretty close to the final release of TYPO3 7. In the finalization process towards the next Long Term support release a small list of must haves was created. The team immediately got to work on these tasks. The second day of the ACME meeting was dedicated to TYPO3 v8, which will be yet another LTS release, to be released in spring 2017, with a first version by the end of this year. Focus for v8 will be on editor experience and making TYPO3 a full data management system. Two simultaneous v8 sprints are already set up. One in Moenchengladbach and one in Chemnitz. Check out the <link http: events typo3-sprints>sprint overview on if you want to join either one of those sprints. When various authors collaborate across multiple projects, it helps to have one set of guidelines to be used among all those projects and working according to international standards is important to lower the barrier for new contributors. The team decided to base the coding guidelines on the <link https: php-fig fig-standards blob master accepted>PSR-2 coding standard. The main benefit of following PSR-2 is that style of the PHP code written is not only the same across projects, but it is also consistent with the libraries that have adopted this standard (a great majority). This uniformity makes code more readable and maintainable.TYPO3 Conference and TYPO3 Awards (Amsterdam, October 21 - 22)
The Call for Papers/Speakers for the TYPO3 Conference in Amsterdam ended on August 15. The organisation is evaluating all interesting topics and ideas. In the coming weeks the full program will be published on <link http:> <link http:>
CMS-Garden Unconference 2015 (Essen, October 30 - November 1)
The first official CMS Garden unconference will be a barcamp in a place we all know too well, the Unperfekthaus in Essen. <link https: session>Session proposals are also accepted beforehand. Usually there will be someone willing to hold a session on a proposed topic. The barcamp format needs little organisation and is a fertile ground for sharing of expertise. Let yourself be inspired, educated, enthused!
TYPO3 sprints
This weekend a <link https: development sprints august jena>sprint tackling a huge variety of problems and bugs with the form engine is tackled at the at <link http:>TRITUM offices in Jena. The <link https: sprint>sprint board for Forms: Next generation gives a good overview of the progress. There are three more sprints planned this year. One dedicated the the release of TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS, one kicking off CMS 8 and a marketing sprint in December . You can find all TYPO3 sprints on: <link http: events typo3-sprints>
Besides the TYPO3 conference there are a good number of community events in the last half of 2015 and events for 2016 are already announced.TYPO3camp Munich (September 11 -13)
It is already the 8th time TYPO3camp Munich is organised and with 200 attendants one of the biggest TYPO3camp, probably only surpassed by TYPO3camp Stuttgart. <link http: tickets>Tickets are still available.
TYPO3camp Mallorca (September 25 - 27)
Like TYPO3 East Europe and TYPO3camp Venlo, TYPO3camp Mallorca is international. already 100 people have registered for this TYPO3 summer event of the year. <link http: tickets.html>Tickets are still available for this hot TYPO3camp. For those who arrive early the organisation has planned something on Thursday and Friday.
TYPO3 East Europe (November 13 - 14)
T3EE is well-known for its friendly atmosphere and the mixed group of attendants. The event aims to promote the development of TYPO3 in countries where it is not yet well known, to encourage the growth of the local communities. T3EE is more like a mini-conference and has a <link http: call-for-papers>Call For Papers that is still open. <link http: tickets>Tickets are also still available. The first 2 editions were opened by workshops dedicated to universities and the public sector, followed by sessions and presentations with the aim to present the latest trends & best practices in the TYPO3 world. Each day was ended with great social & networking events. This year the host of the event will be University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr 2015 (November 13 - 15)
The creative surroundings of the <link http:>Unperfekthaus will once again be the location for this year’s TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr. It is one of our favourite locations and was also used for this years TYPO3 General Assembly and Dialogue Days. With a ticket you are also ensured of all day all you can eat food enjoying all freedom dropping in and out of UpH as you please. The organisation is working on a English Slot with some kind of predefined sessions, but currently it is unsure if this will get the support that is needed to make it happen. An „Adopt a Student“ program is in the works. You can sponsor the participation of a student / t3rookie to come to the TYPO3camp. More on that later.As usual there is a special Friday event in the works. Keep an eye on the website and of course more later in This Week in TYPO3. Unfortunately the date of this event coincides with T3EE. Only a few <link http: tickets.html>tickets are left so go get them before they are sold out.

TYPO3camp Venlo (April 22 - 23, 2016)
The organisation of TYPO3camp Venlo thanks all visitors, speakers and sponsors that came to the third international TYPO3camp Venlo. Visitors came from 5 different countries. We had a great mixture of end users, company owners, devs, designers and students. This resulted into very dynamic and inspiring days. The date for next years TYPO3camp is already set and we hope to see you all again in 2016. You can find an <link http: news article typo3camp-venlo-2015>impression of this years TYPO3camp Venlo in this news article.
TYPO3 Association
Agency Meetups
The marketing team initiated the agency meetups in 2014 for the purpose of getting feedback on the TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos products, as well as input on the future role of the TYPO3 Association. The landscape changed of course with Neos moving away from the TYPO3 community and creating its own community. This year another cycle of agency meetups has kicked of and until now three meetups were held starting with <link http: news article typo3-agency-meetup-days-2015-a-report-on-the-copenhagen-and-berlin-meetings>Copenhagen, Berlin and one in Hamburg. The meetups consist of a retrospective of the work and events during the previous year, with a clear focus on solving the "management and technical debts". One of the main things the meetups want to achieve is a mind-set change which sees engaged people on-board the TYPO3 ship again.
- Frankfurt, September 10
- Utrecht, September 24
- Munich, September 24
- Paris, October 1
- Bern, October 7
- Dusseldorf, October 8
- Milano, October 15
- Vienna, November 11
Budget applications for 2016
The budgetary process for 2016 has officially started. If you have a brilliant idea that is beneficial for the TYPO3 community or for TYPO3 as a product and you need financial backing to make that come true you are invited to submit <link http: news article committed-to-contribution-submit-your-2015-budget-application-now-copy-1>your 2016 budget application. For inspiration you can check out previous applications that were discussed on Froege: <link https: projects t3a-eab-budget2015 boards> Please remember to submit your application before September 11 of this year. The final budget allocations will be communicated in early December 2015.TYPO3 Tech
There is a lot going on in the TYPO3 extension and application arena that does not always hit the TYPO3 community daylight. In This Week I highlight the most interesting stuff going on. If you are working on something or have released something that will interest and benefit the community than let me know so I can include it in the overview.Release of EXT:page_speed
Georg Ringer <link http: release-page_speed.html>published EXT:page_speed. It renders the results of the Google’s PageSpeed Insights in the TYPO3 CMS backend. PageSpeed Insights gives feedback about the performance and usability of your website.
A Vagrant box to try out the most recent TYPO3 releases.
in the light of recent events Michiel Roos split his Vagrant boxes into a <link https: tuurlijk typotry>TYPOTry and a <link https: tuurlijk tryneos>TryNEOS. Running the boxes is easy pie: Just run ‘vagrant up’!Separation and improvement of TYPO3 and PHP Docker Boilerplate
Markus Blaschke took another step with TYPO3 Docker Boilerplate and forked to PHP Docker Boilerplate leading to more specialization,better customization, faster creation, development and testing – multiple PHP versions (5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6) supported. TYPO3 and PHP Docker Boilerplate also fully focuses on TYPO3 CMS now. <link https: separation-improvement-typo3-php-docker-boilerplate> Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https:>MaxServ. Of course you can also sponsor This Week in TYPO3 and have your name mentioned here as well. Please <link>contact me by mail for more details. Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.