TYPO3camp Berlin (June 19 – 21)
The proven location of the SAE Institute Berlin provided the space for the sixth TYPO3camp Berlin. The new organizing team was particularly happy to see tickets being sold out 3 weeks prior to the event. A keynote by Alain Veuve, a video-speech by Olivier Dobberkau and Mathias Schreiber together with numerous members of the Core-Team helped to shed light into the current situation of TYPO3, effectively addressed doubts regarding its future and shared valuable insights during the manifold sessions.pic by René Pflamm A highlight - besides the great sessions - was being served Caipirinhas mixed by the Core-Devs who took over the bar on Saturday evening. The freshly constituted organizing team around Sebastian Kreideweiß and Hannes Gräf wants to sincerely thank all sponsors for making such a great event possible (<link http: jweiland.net>JWeiland, <link https: www.agentur-brandung.de>brandung, <link https: www.mittwald.de>Mittwald, <link http: www.marmalade.de>marmalade, <link https: www.webhostone.de>WebhostOne, <link http: www.interactive-tools.de>Interactive Tools, <link https:>4Scotty, <link http: simpelplus.de>Simpelplus). Christian Kleeman held a much appreciated session on usability <link https: chriscloverman.wordpress.com typo3-camp-berlin-2015>wrote about the TYPO3camp Berlin 2015 and Wolfgang Wagner arranged a rather funny <link https: storify.com wowawebdesign best-of-typo3camp-berlin-2015>Tweet-collection. Pictures of the event can be found in the <link https: www.flickr.com groups t3cb2015 pool page6>TYPO3camp Berlin 2015 Flickr page. The TYPO3camp Berlin had 10% (15/150) female attendants and ca. 4% (6 Pers.) newbies. Slides can be found here: <link http: www.typo3camp-berlin.de news session-materialien>www.typo3camp-berlin.de/news/session-materialien/
T3rookies summercamp
The Project - Helping Kids Organised by the <link http: t3rookies.net en>T3rookies initiative and supported by <link http: www.arxia.com>Arxia, 4 rookies from Germany left Saturday June 27 to Romania for a week. They work on a TYPO3 project and create a web page for an orphanage. At the same time, a student from Romania will visit Germany and completing an internship at <link http: www.phth.de>PHTH.Anton Koesling, 19; Altan Tosun, 25; Jana Kienast, 21; Nicolas Ries, 22 The Rookies will develop a website for a foster home in Cluj, named <link http: akszalife.blogspot.ro>Casa de Copa Aksza. The foster home houses kids from 7 to 20 years old and focuses on learning and education (the oldest one is a student). The website will be in at least 4 (or more) languages:English, Romanian, Hungarian, and German. The idea is more oriented to a product development than to very technical stuff. The Rookies will need to talk to the kids and to the personnel and find ways to promote this foster house using the website, to tell success stories of those kids, etc. They will need to conceive the site design, the site structure, the site content, develop the site and make SEO optimizations. The Rookies will get help during the whole project. Some Pictures: <link https: flic.kr s ahskedpbwy>flic.kr/s/aHskeDPbwy We look forward to the results of this great initiative and are confident that this will lay a basis for further engagement in the coming years for international team exchange especially where it concerns young talent.
- <link http: www.arxia.com blog t3rookies-summer-camp>Arxia blog about T3Rookies Summercamp
- <link http: wiki.typo3.org t3sc15>Official Wiki page for the T3Rookies Summercamp 2015
TYPO3 codesprint at SMILE
<link http: smile.fr>SMILE believes Open source is above all a way of thinking based on values of freedom, respect, social responsibility and openness. As citizens, we are all attached to these values. With these values we associate transparency, reliability, an appreciation for the service provided as well as technical expertise, and a simple, useful and high performing vision of IT systems. Open Source solutions are open, robust and always respect standards for interoperability. This offer becomes larger and more advanced every year, and today covers all areas from infrastructure, frameworks and for instance CMSs like TYPO3. SMILE was proud to organise the first French code sprint for TYPO3 in their Paris offices. Romain Leleu (Tech Lead for technical office at SMILE) lets us know: From point of view organizing this code sprint was very easy. The TYPO3 Association almost did everything, Anja Leichsenring was very helpful and gave me all information I needed. It was as easy as booking some meeting rooms and dedicating a little bit of time to organization. We have been working with TYPO3 for many years at SMILE, so it was a way of giving something back and share with other TYPO3 user and contributors. For us it was also a way to ease integration of French developers to core team's processes. We hope it'll be the beginning of many more French people contributing to TYPO3. During these 4 days we learned a lot and exchanged on many subjects, we were very proud to contribute to TYPO3. We really hope to enjoy this kind of events more often. Last but not least Romain says: "I want to thank everyone from the TYPO3 Association and SMILE marketing service for their help."Roar: Docs! Docs! Docs!
Neos team member Jacob Floyd writes about improving the documentation workflow. He applied for a budget, which was <link https: voting.typo3.org election member-poll-regarding-the-neos-split showresults>approved, and wrote a couple of blog posts to explain how he is trying to make documentation easier to write and maintain. Writing about documentation always makes sense and is essential to attract new users and contributirs to your community. Here's Jacob's summary of what he is working on: Writing docs that need visuals, like screenshots, is annoying at best. So, I'll start building an image service for TYPO3's documentation. For those writing the docs, you'll just write a description of the screenshot you need, and the service will deal with inserting the right image. It will either let someone else create it, or it will auto-generate the appropriate screenshot. Let's say goodbye to user manuals with screenshots that are out of date.- <link http: cognifloyd.blogspot.com roar-docs-docs-docs.html>cognifloyd.blogspot.com/2015/06/roar-docs-docs-docs.html
- <link http: cognifloyd.blogspot.com a-generic-screenshot-webservice.html>cognifloyd.blogspot.com/2015/06/a-generic-screenshot-webservice.html
This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https: www.maxserv.com>Maxserv. Of course you can also sponsor This Week in TYPO3 and have your name mentioned here as well. Please <link>contact me by mail for more details. Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.