The TYPO3 project eases into 2015 with sprints being set up for the year lying ahead of us. A year that will see the release of TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS, TYPO3 Neos 1.3 and TYPO3 Flow 3.0. We have a report on the editorial sprint, several goodies AND Paul is certified!
Week ending January 11
User Generated Content
Dutch TYPO3 company <link https:>MaxServ sponsors writing ´<link http: news this-week-in-typo3>This Week in TYPO3´ in 2015. That will also lead to a translated Dutch version ´Deze week in TYPO3´ geared towards a Dutch community website later on. It is a great thing when companies find the opportunity to engage with the TYPO3 project and its community. I am sure this will also spark of more activity in the Netherlands.
I pull a lot of content of social media. People are usually more than willing to share more information once asked and write a few lines about what they are doing for the TYPO3 community.
This Week in TYPO3 is your chance to show the TYPO3 community what you are working on. Maybe you need help, sponsoring or just exposure for your project. Most information pertaining to the TYPO3 community is welcome and I can assure you people want to know about you. Yes you!
Besides me scouting for content you are invited to generate your content for This Week in TYPO3. <link http: benvantende>Contact me to have your voice heard.
Activity in the TYPO3 CMS project is high. After a promising and warmly received TYPO3 CMS 7.0, the team is in a higher gear to get rid of tickets that have lived in the issue dungeon for too long. To be able to monitor the several aspects of handling issues <link http:> was called to life. <link http:>WMDB Systems from Düsseldorf created the site that is hosted by <link http:>network.publishing from Cologne.
What is Forger about?
Mathias Schreiber explains about Forger's functions:
Forger has 5 Main functions:
- Metrics
- Search
- Review overview
- Issue Management
- Sprint Boards
<link http:> - Dashboard with metrics
For details on the metrics and explaination on the graphs:
The Dashboard view offers a search box that searches the entire content of (Redmine) and displays these results in a meaninful manner.
<link http: standard>
On the left side you see facets that allow you to drill down the results. The engine underneath is <link http:>elastic search, that’s why it’s so blazingly fast.
There are two modifiers that you can use on search terms:
- „searchword“ will add the word to the list of „should have“ terms.
Meaning the more words you type, the more documents will be found - „+searchword“ makes a search word mandatory.
More words prefixed with + in front will narrow down the results. - „-searchword“ excludes documents that have this word in them.
Useful to exclude certain authors for example.
Review Overview
<link http: gerrit status> - This is a list of review currently pending.
It can be drilled down either by facets on the left or by using a different view.
This way we can easily identify reviews that already have positive verifications and are probably good to go in terms of merging them into the core.
Issue Management
<link http: management> - This view drills down all open issues from Redmine ( by year, month and issue status.
Months and issue stats by month are links that will take you to the Redmine list of issues with the date filters already applied.
Sprint Boards
<link http:> - These are sprint boards in BETA stage that we might or might not use to organize our sprints.
The main question is:
Why do all this?
Let’s take the issue management view for example.
People might argue that I’m just „moving stuff from a to b“ - the amount of tickets does not get smaller.
While true in general the main idea is to make the HUGE amount of open tasks manageable by cutting them into smaller chunks. This, paired with the metrics finally gives the developers a visualization of their work, making their work more fun.
On the other hand people that want to work through forge are not confronted with 3000 open tickets. They pick a chunk they think can be done and work through it – having the good feeling of achievement.
TYPO3 sprints
Editorial sprint part 3
Between 8th and 10th of January 2015 the Editorial Team met again in the <link http: _blank>web-vision office in Moenchengladbach, Germany.
During this sprint the team focused its efforts on the migration of to and managed it to shift all existing content over.
Remaining are only the migration of the existing memberships and the redirects from old page, which needs to be done in assistance with the t3o team.
Additionally all existing issues on were transferred to <link https: browse et> and most of the former tasks were resolved during the sprint.
In total the sprint team (Daniel Siepmann, Guido Haase, Moritz Krauß, Boris Hinzer) managed it to solve 45 issues for

Just to mention a few highlights:
- The new screenshot page for TYPO3 CMS is now reflecting the two major versions of TYPO3 6.2 LTS and 7
- New content structure for Community and Contribution - in anticipation of the new Association pages
- Revision of TYPO3 brand and product names on several subpages
Snowboard Tour
This years TYPO3 SnowBoard Tour 2015 takes place in Saalbach Hinterglemm, Austria from Saturday 7th of February to Saturday 14th of February 2015.
You can still join!!
The event has 200 km of slopes, 56 modern lifts, skimovie slopes, speed slopes, learn-to-ride park, funcross, snow trails, carving slopes etc..

More information and of course the registration can be found on the<link http:> T3BOARD15 website. The<link http: t3board15> T3BOARD15 WIKI might also provide you with some extra information.
TYPO3 Neos goodies
Michiel Roos, working for <link https:>Maxserv, has been steadily pushing out Neos articles since end of last year. Check out his blog for some Neos goodies on for instance <link http: articles use-memcached-as-your-neos-cache-backend.html>caching, <link http: articles adding-opengraph-metadata-to-your-neos-site.html>openGraph and <link http: articles how-to-make-a-rss-feed-for-you-neos-site.html>RSS feeds for Neos.
TYPO3 CMS goodies
Georg Ringer, of <link http:>, is the author of some 40 TYPO3 extensions. One of his most well-known extensions is <link http: extensions repository view news>EXT: news - news extension.
Georg also writes about TYPO3 CMS. The latest entry on his <link http:>blog is about <link http: logging-with-typo3-cms.html>logging in TYPO3 CMS using Monolog. The current logging is based on <link https: seldaek monolog>monolog. Georg prefers the original awesome Monolog framework.
Paul is certified

Paul from <link http:>Teamgeist has managed to get certified as TYPO3 CMS Integrator.
Congrats Paul!
You can also be like Paul and get certifiied as TYPO3 CMS integrator:
<link http: certification about-the-certification>Check out the certification pages on
What's New in January for Open Source CMS
CMSWire features a monthly update on what is going on in Open Source CMS world. Read <link http: cms web-cms whats-new-in-january-for-open-source-cms-027631.php>What's New in January for Open Source CMS.
Local TYPO3 communities
Jeroen Vanheste, Project Manager at Belgian TYPO3 company <link http: over-tidi>TIDI asks on LinkedIn TYPO3 Developers group <link http: gkzjsd>why TYPO3 is quite invisible in Belgium... Customers don't know it (if they even know the meaning of the word CMS) and mostly don't care about it. The following thread is an interesting read and sees some pretty interesting entries also from Daniel Homorodean who organises TYPO3 Eastern Europe (<link http:>T3EE).
Daniel advises: ¨Organizing bar camps, workshops, “bug days” or even informal meetups in a bar is a good way to start, first to know each other and then to make plans together for projects of common interest ( like creating better awareness about TYPO3 in the country in order to generate more business, or attract more talented devs …) Even if the first national events might not draw many people, it is well worth to do it as it will provide a good place to start. ¨
This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https:>Maxserv.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.